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Future career choices

Dr. Polaris

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I am absolutely fascinated by marine animals, nature as in canyons, waterfalls, the Amazon, and in short, just with nature (don't count in the bugs and insects and whatnot). I am also fascinated with domestic animals, so animals as a whole.

I was thinking of being a Vet, as I posted before in other posts, but then I realized that although I am really passionate about being a vet, and also went to do volunteering jobs at my local SPCA, I still couldn't put the thought of nature and wild animals out of my head.

I then wondered about the prospect of being a marine biologist, but then I realized that being a marine biologist doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to interact with marine wildlife, and a marine biologist focuses mainly on the environment and doing research and whatnot, or so I've been told.

A zoologist also seems alright to me, however, I don't know what is making me..apprehensive about being a zoologist..maybe it's the salary they get, maybe it's because of other reasons, I really don't know..

So, I was wondering what other career choices may I pick. Working for National Geographic might be good, but then I also heard that 90% of the people work in offices, and only 10% work in the field..

So, I have come here for help

P.S: I am doing Biology HL, Chemistry HL, English A1 HL, Psychology SL, Math SL, Chinese SL

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You can always be a zoo vet if you're interested in wild animals :). There are lots of specializations as a vet, you don't have to work in a small animal clinic, vets specialize in food animals, zoo animals and wildlife, surgery, nutrition, avian, equine, etc. I'm personally interested in specializing in intensive medicine because I'd like to work at a vet ER.

Because you're right, as a marine biologist you would mostly be studying animals from afar and conducting research rather than helping them.

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when do i "tell" the university that i'll be doing wildlife veterinary or a zoo vet, or etc.? Or do I just do courses in vet. science, then decide when I come out to work, I choose the course myself?

Also, if I work in a clinic (I am totally fine with working in a clinic, i love domestic animals), where can I get the reputation that is needed? Because no one is going to walk randomly into your clinic if they don't know you, etc.

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If you specialize, you have to do extra years of internship and residency. Vet school will expose you to different specializations, in your last year of vet school you'll be doing clinical rotations with different types of vets to see what you like. And then after you graduate vet school, if you want to specialize then you go on to do an internship and residency with a vet in that specialization that has to accept you as their "apprentice". You'll have to apply for an internship/residency and it's very competitive/hard to get one. Or if you choose to open up a clinic, then you don't need to specialize and can start working right away.

If you decide to work in a clinic, you obviously wouldn't be opening up your own one right away, you would be joining an already established clinic with other vets and basically working with them before you decide to start up your own, or you can stay with them.

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Wow you are very passionate! If I were you I would take the opinion of a professional. Talk to your counsiller, maybe take a test to determine your options. There are people whose entire jobs are to guide others into the career paths. Go to a local university, they have special cousillers for highschool students that are very helpful! Trust me, I talked to a few myself!

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I am looking forward to a future in NASA. I am really interested in Aeronautical Engineering so yeah could you suggest me after doing bachelors in this how should I carry on further . Like what master degree should I do ?

And which are the best Aeronautical Colleges around the world .

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