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-is this a good hi topic?


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I have to do a practice HI for next year and I really want to do the following topic. However, I do not know if this is what they are looking for or not. The topic is:

To what extent did the horrible trench conditions in the First World War during the years 1914 –1918 account for more deaths on all flanks than the war itself?

Can you guys help me out please?

Thanx in advance

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Please to not say horrible trench conditions. It is to emotive. Living conditions at the front is more appropriate. I am not sure it you will be able to say that trench conditions killed more people than actual battle, because it did not. You may, however, argue that trench warfare made a serious contribution to the number dead, and in many cases a more lasting effect -- e.g. Phychological dificulties, gangrene leading to life with amputation, chronic infections/diseases, deafness, etc. It would perhaps be easier to analyse the effects of trench war fare on soldiers during and after WWI, but you have a good idea and you know haw to form a title. Well done.

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Just as balloon said, using "horrible" is to emotive and subjective. Think back to ToK...whats horrible to me is not always horrible to you. What I would say is examine a certain aspect of the effects of the coditions of trench warfare and how that affected something later on. To what extent did trench warfare cause a spike in Psychological Disorders in Post WW1 Veterans? How did the conditions in the trenchs affect the Battle of ______"? How did the conditions in the trenchs of World War 1 affect medical treatment?

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  • 3 weeks later...
How could the trench conditions cause more deaths than the war itself?

Disease in water-logged trenches was a big factor in WWI, because there wasn't proper drainage and men would grow fungi and their feet would literally rot from standing in the water all day. In the cramped conditions there were also epidemics of tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera and other diseases which are common in unhygienic places. Millions died from these conditions, it wasn't just a few. Armies don't have to be defeated by otehr armies, poor planning and strategy can cause failures too.

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I wasn't literally asking how the trench conditions killed soldiers, I was simply remarking on the poor wording of the question. How could the trench conditions kill more soldiers than the ENTIRE war!!!! That is what that question implies.

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Personally, I don't think that's the best topic you could choose.

Remember you need primary sources, and lots of evidence.. I'm not sure you'll be able to find that much evidence of that. But if you do then I guess you're set.

When dealing with topic choice, talking to your teacher is the best thing to do.

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In addition to some of the advice already given, I would suggest choosing one side (Allied or Axis) to focus on so that you don't end up confusing yourself (and the examiner!)..

Just some suggestions:
"To what extent did conditions in the [nationality X] trenches cause more [nationality X] soldier deaths than the actual war?"
"To what extent did conditions in the British trenches prolong the war?" (ie. if they had been better, would the war not have lasted as long?)

Just as Zyvy said however, your teacher is the best person to talk to! :(

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