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What do you think of my EE proposal?


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I am just getting into my EE (no, i'm not a slacker, but I think my school is), and I was wondering what you think of my proposed title:

"Will GPGPUs replace traditional CPUs in the near future?"

I have never taken a formal CS class, but my dad is a hardware engineer with a Master's, my advisor is a coder, and I am surrounded by CS people.

I also realize that the format of this question is nearly identical to the CS example.

Is this a good proposal? Is it possibly too hard to get an A on?

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If it's almost identical to the example that is provided by the IB, don't do it. I was about to do my EE on the significance of balls (as in dances) in Jane Austen's literature, and then my EE supervisor told me that the same question was in the EE booklet. I was made to change it. If it's there, it's not original.

If you were to do the question, I think it sounds quite broad to be honest, especially with regard to the phrase "the near future". You should define a time period, such as 10 years, to be the near future. Otherwise it could be regarded as the next 500 years, or any amount of time.

Your father being a hardware engineer and all the other people around you being computer people have nothing to do with your EE, unless you plan on making them write it for you. The role of the supervisor is to guide you, but they can only make comments on your first draft. You also have to read through all of the IB syllabus for CS to understand what they want you to include in terms of vocabulary and theory.

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Originality is somethnig they really do look for. I fell in love with the topic they had in the Bio booklet for EE - something along the lines of analyzing the evolution of a symbiotic relationship of a fungi and bacteria. It sounds amazing, but I knew I had to do something else :)

So dont do anything really close to them. And I don't think, personally, that the proposal is appropriate. I mean, the topic is very sensitive to interpretation and could be on both extremes of the scale. These type of futuristic judgments, would be made heavily by qualified people years in the field. The grader wont be impressed with your topic. And I am certain, that there are components not educationally tangible to you yet - that they would find crucial to the point. You have chosen a inductive research. From specific --> general. While, it should be the other way around I think - deductive: general --> specific.

So switch it I say :rant:

Edited by biochem
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[quote name='Aether' post='38586' date='Mar 1 2009, 11:13 AM']In what subject do you plan to do this?? Remember that you must make your EE in a subject you are currently taking.[/quote]

Thats just a suggestion. I have friends doing an EE in a subject they are not taking as IB. I was told to do an EE, or advised, in economics and I have only taken the Micro and Macro AP classes.
Many students have a family member support their research in a field they know little about. Like a mother/father, helping someone out in a chemistry EE. Which isn't that hard really. I mean, the cases I know, the students took the EE for summer work and they learned that specific concept - like oxidation and then developed on it through their parents. Tangible :( just not recommended.
And I think his aim was Biology.

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Sounds like computer science to me. If you really want to do computer science, even though you haven't taken the course, chose a topic that is not in the guide, and that is interesting. I'd suggest doing a topic you're interested in, in a subject you're actually taking. Don't do an EE relying on the fact that others will do it for you. In reality, that is malpractice.

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