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So ideally, my dream job right now would to be an ethical hacker, however I'm super uncertain as what courses I need to take. Like this group thing is really confusing. Currently going into grade 10 and I need help with what courses to take. First I took civics and careers during summer school so I don't need to do that in grade 10. My band director recommended for me to take IB music, which I'm good at, but I feel like will be useless for me in the future. Then I'm also taking French Immersion for the French Credit, IB Geo and obviously ICS. My question is, do I need ITGS, because then I do not have to take IB Geo- and if I do drop IB Geo, what should I replace it with in grade 10? Also do I need physics, calculus and vectors, or advanced functions? There are so many options... help (sorry)

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The main issue is that your school may change name of IB courses to register for the Ontario curriculum. You can tell the school what IB courses you want to take, and they will tell you what to register. I do not know how course progression works at your school.

ITGS will not be required but it could be useful. For example if there is an ITGS year 1 course then you can take that. You should probably take IB math Analysis and Approach HL, a new course starting fall 2019. Along the way you will take both adv. Functions and Calc/Vect. 

IB categotizes courses into six groups. You either take one course from each group, or instead of group 6(the arts, music, dance, etc), you can take a second from groups 1-5. By taking IB Music, you do not need to take both CS and Physics, which are both group 4 experimental sciences. However, taking Physics instead of Music can open more doors when applying to different university programs. 


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I see, thank you for taking the time to respond. One question though, (btw I'm at Colonel By), should I take ITGS instead of IB Geo then? The fact is that if I take IB Geo 1 I need to take in grade 11 to complete the 2 year course with IB Geo 2. If I do that, I can't do the 1 year ITGS course in grade 11. This makes it seem like I should be taking ITGS. But I'm not really sure what you do in ITGS? Is it Information Technology, networking, etc. or is it filming and photoshop, that kind of stuff. If it is, I'd rather not take ITGS. If I swap out IB Geo 1 in grade 10, what course should I replace it with?

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On 7/20/2018 at 10:49 PM, Skylash said:

I see, thank you for taking the time to respond. One question though, (btw I'm at Colonel By), should I take ITGS instead of IB Geo then? The fact is that if I take IB Geo 1 I need to take in grade 11 to complete the 2 year course with IB Geo 2. If I do that, I can't do the 1 year ITGS course in grade 11. This makes it seem like I should be taking ITGS. But I'm not really sure what you do in ITGS? Is it Information Technology, networking, etc. or is it filming and photoshop, that kind of stuff. If it is, I'd rather not take ITGS. If I swap out IB Geo 1 in grade 10, what course should I replace it with?

Here is the official IB subject brief for ITGS: https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/publications/recognition/3_itgshl.pdf
You can see the outline of what topics you would cover.

I think it would be more useful for you to take ITGS than Geography, but it's your choice. Have a look at the subject briefs and make you own decision.

Hope it helps

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@Skylash Group 3 are mostly discussion based courses. You learn about components of IT system, as well as social/ethical issues (eg security, privacy, intellectual property, surveillance, protocals). In comparison geography discusses development, disparities, migration, natural disasters, demographics, and other topics. It is really your choice which to take. ITGS will not be required for CS.

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