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In class essay help


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So ever since I've taken HOA last year I came to the point where I can never write a decent essay and I would always get Cs on them :---) 


Now that I'm in Topics I really really need to step my game up cause of the exam in May but I really don't know where to start? I feel like outlining essays for this class is what I'm really bad at. I know you follow the APEC format but I guess I'm making it more complicated than it already is...


Please help!

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I think the biggest piece of advise in terms of doing well is answering the question, the whole question, and nothing but the question. I remember last year, I forgot to fully address why the NEP did not help the Reds win the Civil War (The question was something about compare and contrast the NEP and war communism as they related to the Reds winning the Civil War). As that was half of my thesis, it didn't end very well (IB 9; 75% in class). My point being, if you say something in your thesis, make sure you reference in the body of your essay. 


Also, I am a fan of outlines. Spending 10 minutes writing down everything that you know (about the topic) can help come up with whatever your argument is (if you decide you don't like the question this is the time to pick a new one). 

Typically my outlines look something like what's below, just with more arrows connecting points together. 

Point 1 (details/why is relates)

Point 2 (details/why is relates)

Point 3 (details/why is relates)



This outline is one of the few 'non-timed' outlines for history I've done. It's from the beginning of last year

The question was something about Bismarck's role in the decline of Austria.

  1. Decline of Austria

    1. 1815 congress of vienna design gave Austria dominance over the region, but allowing the 1818 zollverein with Prussia as the leader of economics created conflict between Prussia and Austria

    2. Italian unification (1848) weakened Austria’s power

    3. Prussia beat Austria at their own game (war) (1866)

    4. Lost Austrian War of 1866 - Removed from German affairs

  2. Bismarck politics

    1. Do whatever is needed to get things done

    2. Systematically weaken Austria

    3. Manipulate France and Austria though treaties

    4. give Austria Holstein in order to cause future conflict

  3. How allowed

    1. Bismarck supported unification

    2. Bismarck (Prussia) weaken Austria in order to aid the unification process

    3. Bismarck prevents Austria from aiding France, thus allowing Germany the chance to beat France''


Hope this makes some sense :D

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