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Biology or Design Technology?


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Hello! I am currently stressing out because I want to be a psychologist so I was planning on taking HL Bio. I'm pretty good at it. I currently have an 90 in it. However I hear it's very hard to get a 7 in it so I've been thinking that I could learn the Biology aspect in university and take Design Technology so I can get a better grade. Opinions?

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I take both subjects at higher-level and have done quite a bit of uni research on psychology so I'll try and help you out here...


Biology, in the long run, will probably be more useful but it's not really needed for psychology. Sure, it helps in psychology but only for a select few learning objectives in the IBDP psychology syllabus. The overlap between the two isn't that significant. Off the top of my head, I can only think of hormones and neurotransmitters as two topics that are in both syllabus'. In the universities I've looked at, most of them offer cognitive psychology as their main focus and cognitive psychology has almost no relevance to biology, if not none.


I do find the biology syllabus quite rigorous, it's an exam-based course with one component of coursework that isn't worth very much in weighting relative to design and technology. The design and technology syllabus, which I admit to not having started to revise, is also quite rigorous but I guess the terms are easier and there's more room for interpretation in the subject. The weighting for the coursework, however, is much higher.


If I were you, I'd break this down into two options:

  • Biology - rigorous course with specialized terms and mostly exam based.
  • DT - not as rigorous but there's more room for interpretation in the exam and failing your coursework will really have an impact on your grade.

PM me if you want any more detail or perhaps some content from the course. Just also note, there's almost no overlap between DT and psych except for maybe the marketing aspect.

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