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Interview 10: deissi ~

Ruan Chun Xian

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Why did you post that three times?

The site was acting up... And I had to go right after posting so I didn't have time to check how it looked..

1. How did the sauna and ice swimming come about to be such a big part of Finnish culture?

Who knows... I don't do ice swimming though :D it's what people do in the countryside...

2. Do you think Conan O'Brien influenced the 2006 Finnish presidential elections? :P

Well, he did get Tarja Halonen lots of publicity in Finland, so I'm sure it was beneficial. However, I'm not that happy about the result of the elections :D .

3. Doesn't that pull your GPA down? Our teachers base our predicteds on the quality of the stuff we hand in, how hard we work, potential, etc. Don't you worry about that?

We don't have a GPA, we have our IB scores, right now I'm predicted 40/42 (with a 5 in Physics) so it doesn't :) . However, for example my economics grade is 7C (C for effort) but who gives a **** when it won't show up on your final report card or your predicteds... Why should your predicteds be based on anything else than your academic ability? After all, your IB exams won't give you points for effort, but for right answers... I think it's stupid to punish someone who does well without working his/her but off if you get a 7 anyways...

4. I'm going blind trying to read your avatar. What does it say? :|

It's an extract from my practice TOK essay. I'm afraid I'd have to kill you if I told you :D .

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