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How to Explain the IB to US Universities?


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Hi guys,


I'm going to be a Senior in the fall, and I need to start applying to colleges. A lot of them in the US don't know about the IB program. Rather, it is known by many of them, and they do give credit, but a lot of the individuals who are in charge of admissions and scholarships don't know what it is. So how do you go about explaining what it is to a university (or anyone, for that matter)?


If I have to explain it (concisely), how do I make it sound really impressive without making myself sound arrogant? 


Any ideas? I'm sure we've all had to explain it to someone before...




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I'm pretty sure all of the admission officers are familiar with the IB program. IB and AP are two of the most widely taken programs/courses in the US. When I was applying to US unis, I didn't feel the need to explain it, and most of the college apps do not give you room to explain the curriculum that you are taking (some have room for explaining the grading system, but you won't have to do this anyway).

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Every university I applied to already had an IB credit/recognition system in place and I didn't have to explain anything. If I recall correctly, there really isn't room for it on your application, like the above poster said. Most don't ask for it. If they do, this is something your guidance counselor will take care of.

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I had to explain it in one of my Uni interviews... heart sinking moment to realise the guy interviewing me had no idea! The way he asked me gave me the distinct impression he ranked the IB alongside "best at spelling" and "neat hand writing". I failed that interview!


I just said it was the same as A Levels and we covered the same material as they do... or you can probably say the same as AP. Just with some rules about which subjects you have to take, an essay and community service element. I left the second bit out, but it's an easy way to summarise maybe. Explaining it in terms of what people already know/what matters to them is easiest. I do the same for my CV and write equivalent A level grades next to my IB grades because most people don't have a clue.

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