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Question about marking and answering style


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Hey guys, I had a question.

So during my Computer Science exam, I was writing down an answer to one of the parts of a question. It's one of those subjects where you discover additional parts of an answer as you work it out. So, my answer got pretty untidy, so I restarted that part of the question on the next page of the answer booklet. I wrote down (See next page->) in my first attempt. However, I forgot to cross my first attempt out.

So, I know in Math that if an examiner is presented two workings, he should mark the first. In this case however:

a) It was a different subject
b) My second answer was nearly identical to the first, only expanded a little bit and fully completed.

So my question is, will the examiner only mark my first solution? I mean if I were to look at it from an unbiased perspective, it looks like I knew the answer: I didn't give two different answers and was hoping for the best, I just re-wrote my answer and this is evident in my second attempt (it wasn't word for word though). Any ideas guys? Any help is much appreciated!

Edited by Zuler
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Logically, I would assume that the examiners follow the same rules when correcting Computer Science papers.

I think it depends on the examiner. He may see your next response, get confused, and decide that he won't waste his time correcting it because he doesn't have to.

I, on the other hand, would correct the second answer because I feel that is more fair.

So my answer is: he should, but he may not. If only you had crossed out that answer! :P

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