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Genius way to remember Animal and Plant Phyla


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Two preferred techniques are:

  • sticky notes on the text book, as you'r scanning the textbook you can stick some notes and write "Briefly" any stuff that's to be remembered, then you can just collect them and start to revise them.
  • flash cards, bring some papers then cat them into cards that're not small or large , and start to write each phylum on a side and the animals or plants that belongs to it on the other side, then start the game

    I know both are typical yet very effective, hope this helps :wish:
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For me I have a very silly way to remember the plant phylum. BoyFriend CAps. I have no idea how I came up with this, but it helps me remember the order of them. B stands for bryophyte, F stands for filicinophyta, C stands for coniferophytes and A stands for angiospermophyta.

As for animal phylum, I remember it the way I pronounce it in my mother tongue. In Turkish, the letter "C" is pronounced just like the letter "J" in English. So I remember it as "PiCPAMA" (PiJPAMA). It sounds like pyjama ut with a "P" between J and A.

Alternatively, you can just remember the letters "P-C-P-A-M-A".

P-> Porifera,

C-> Cnidaria,

P-> Platyhelminthes,

A-> Annelida,

M-> Mollusca,

A-> Arthropoda.

This way of memorising helped me because while I was writing this post, I did not use anything to see if I was right. However, I need to tell you that I used google to spell the names correctly.


Edited by Egos
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