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Historian quotes


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Hey, so my history teacher told us a while back that it'd help show better understanding and knowledge if we can namedrop one or two historians and small quotes (even paraphrased) into our essays. Anyone got any good and short historian quotes regarding:

  • Failure of collective security (1918-1936)
  • Mao Tse Tung social/foreign/economic policy
  • Tsars Alexader II, III, Nicholas II

And good luck to any other history buffs taking the exams tomorrow!

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I've just revised historiography for the Tsars, so here's the historians I'm going to use at least:

Alexander II

- J. Westwood: "With the exception of Kruschev, no Russian leader did so much to reduce the suffering of the Russian people."

- T. Emmons: (about the emanicipation of the serfs) "The greatest piece of state-directed engineering in modern Europen history before the 20th century."

- A. Rieber: Alexanders reforms was solely due to military needs

- J. Greenville: (about the emanicipation of the serfs) "A cruel joke"

- E. Crankshaw: (about Alexander II) "An inconsistent ruler without a discernible pattern."


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