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Visual Arts SL/HL


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My subjects are as follows:

HL Maths

HL Physics

HL Economics

SL Visual Art

SL French

SL English

What I'm thinking of studying at university is either engineering, architecture, design, or some other science-based subject. I've been told that it would be a good idea to have art at HL because it keeps my options open, whereas economics is not a requirement for any course.

I also understand that visual art is a subject which require a lot of effort, more so than economics in the amount of time you may be spending apparently. Yet for me, I would imagine that I'd already have to put in extra effort in maths HL. Would it be wise to take visual art at HL in my situation?

Thank you!

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The answer really depends on what kind of a student you are generally and artistically. Basically, you have three options.

1- Take Art at HL. Although you'll really be proving that you're artistic, it won't mean anything to universities unless you get a good grade. If you feel as though you really enjoy doing art and have the potential of really shining, then I'd definitely recommend you go for it! However, by having a 4th HL, managing your time and getting all of your work done takes a lot more effort and can lower the grades of your other classes too. I have so much trouble finishing my pieces on time, so I often need to stay after school for a week or two to work on it, which gives me less time to do my work, forcing me to stay up later that I'd like.

2 - Take Art at SL. You'll have a better chance of getting a good grade and giving a good impression of yourself to universities. You won't have to use up all of your effort on your workbook/studio pieces, giving you more time to focus on your other HLS. If you feel as though you're really strong artistically but weaker at maths/physics/economics, then this would be the better option. Although taking art at HL does keep your options open, you are making IB a whole lot harder for you.
Even if you want to do architecture, you'll still be proving you're good at art if you do it at SL and manage to get a good grade.

3 - Test art out at HL for a semester or two. If you find it's too complicated to do 4 HLS as well as your two SL classes, then you can drop it. If you're finding it a breeze and think you'll be able to manage everything, then keep going! I've heard this option depends on your school's policies, but I'd go talk to the IB coordinator about it.

I wasn't sure whether I wanted to take Art as my 4 HL at the beginning of this year, but now that I've tried it out, I'm pretty certain I'll keep it as an HL. It really depends on how you think you will do if you end up taking 4 HLs and how you are as a student. I know some people that just take Art HL because they thought it was easy and trust me, it requires a lot of time and energy!

Hope I helped (:

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Hey. SO my HLs are French A1, English B, Visual Arts, and Math while my SLs are Physics and Geography. ANd to be completely honest with you, it can be quite challenging to do both math and visual arts at the same time, because you are right, Visual Arts DOES take a lot of time when it comes to investigation books and studio work and all.. Plus, as an HL class, you'll have to do extra personal projects. And math, as you might probably- or not yet- have realized, if you don't regularly practise, you are in big.. trouble (to stay polite ;p)

So i really think it all depends on what you feel you are capable of doing. I thought of choosing Economics instead of Geography, but well, geo had a bit of everything and a bit of economics in it somehow as well so i kept it..

All this to say, do you think you'll be able to cope with Math and Art? (TO be quite honest, it can be VERY challenging sometimes.. but when you love both subjects, and you're dedicated to succeeding. You can do it)

I hope you figure it all out :)

Good luck (Y)

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  • 2 months later...

Just to add to what's been said - the results are higher / standard level art are not that different. Standard level requires 8-12 pieces, and at higher level your minimum will be 12. This means thats you're only doing four pieces more, and you also get to submit up to ten more IWB pages (this is very helpful as showing all your work in limited pages is very challenging). As a result, I suggest that you perhaps take HL Art - it's a lot more relevant to your course, and will help you to create a much more varied portfolio in case that is required.

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