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Help with Part B IA?!


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So the site that our school uses is down and I can't access any information that I do not know yet I understand its all FACTS FACTS FACTS!! But you are also supposed to site them or something. Well my teacher only gave us information on how to site a book not a website for the book he just did like (authors name and book, pg #) Well my topic has all sources that are from website so i was wondering how i should do that. and also we have to do OPVL our sources and idk what to do if the source doesn't supply the authors name and what not and how I can finish all the questions if the information needed for them is not provided. I also would like to know for part C if it can be like


1. blah blah blah

2.blah blah

7.blah blah blah

Also my topic is "What influence did the Montgomery bus boycott have on the civi rights movement

IK this is really bad grammar I am just too stressed to use correct grammar DX

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Stress is never an excuse for poor grammar, but anyways. I think I understand the last part of your question but you worded it very confusingly. I'll try to help.

You only really need to do OPVL officially for two sources. What you will do is introduce the first source and state its origin (who wrote it, where it came from, what time period, etc) and purpose (why was it written? who is the intended audience? what did the author want to accomplish?). Then you need to talk about the values AND limitations for the origin and purpose you identified and the significance of that. For example if you had a really heavily biased, one-sided source written during the time period in question, what does that mean? Also, a primary source isn't necessarily valuable just because it's a primary source, and "bias" is too broad, you need to talk about bias ONLY IF IT'S THERE, and how exactly it is biased (point out an example or two). I don't understand the 1, 2, 3 model thing you posted. Just write a good paragraph for each source. If your teacher just wants an OPVL for each source for now, just do the above for each source you've found.

One thing though, why do you only have internet sources? Where are your book sources, newspaper articles, database artcles, journal entries, etc? Using just internet sources will probably earn you a bad grade. Also, internet sources tend to be not as reliable (though not always, there are some good sites out there, but the majority of them are not).

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