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Good IA Question?


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Hey there!

I don't think your IA title is very good - it's too wide. "To what extent did [factor] lead to Hussein's invasion of Kuwait" would have been better, but still a bit too wide. My history teacher always says that the best IA deals with one specific event, maybe a secret meeting, and analyse its importance. Remember that you don't have that much room for analytical writing anyhow, most of the IA will go to other things, such as listing the facts and analysis of your two main sources.

Unless you have a pressing deadline and have done extensive research already, read your sources/find sources, and do some research before you think about your question. That way, you may see other, more specific possibilities than what you do now. For instance, for my history EE, I started out with a plan to investigate who started the Korean War, but ended up with analysing five telegrams in the beginning of October and their impact on Chinese intervention. For an IA, I would perhaps even narrow it down to two telegrams.

Another tip: Read the subject guide. It gives you a very good idea of what you're supposed to do, and how you should start your IA.

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Is this a good IA question?

What factors led to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait?

Your question is too broad.

You need to specify a specific timeline as well. State a date.

Also what are these factors? Political? Social? Military? Economical?

Make sure that your question compromises of something you can objectively analyze.

Keep in mind you only have up to 2000 words to write this Historical Investigation.

Hope that helps

Good luck!

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