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English A1 WLA titles


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Isn't it quite obvious that she (Bernarda) is a powerful authority figure? Maybe that's what your teacher meant by 'cliche'. She/he maybe wanted you to try and argue for something a little bit more revolutionary...?

my argument was not about Bernarda being an authority, it was about to what extent her authority leant towrds tyranny. Obviously she's an authoitative figure (so is Creon he's a king for God's sake).

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im doing the loss of self in the main characters of love in the time of cholera and the stranger...but im kind of needing help for mersault...because he kind of is lost already...without having his mom to die...i know that hms submitted lots of essays on the stranger/outsider...do u have any ideas?


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What exactly do you mean by loss of self?

You have to determine what his "self" is in the first place. Is "self" his existentialist attitude towards life? Then he never really lost it, because at the end he still retained the same attitude about life and death, it's just that by then he'd realised that he was an outsider from society. For most of the book he didn't think he was so different from the rest of the world, but then by the time his trial began he slowly realised that a) society looked down on the fact that he didn't cry at his mother's funeral and such action was "wrong" and that B) he was being condemned for this more than for killing the Arab. He realised that jail was punishment with a very blase attitude which shows that really, his attitude towards life didn't much despite the fact that he understood society's view of life better.

It's Meursault btw. LOL. My whole class spent a whole semester spelling it Mersault as well, until we did WL and looked in the book carefully for the first time and saw that it was Meursault.

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Guest cl0ckw0rk0range
Hey guys,

basically I was looking back at my WLA and the criteria before, and still don't understand why it got the grade it got. However when I asked my teacher she told me "it's probably because of your topic being cliche" she is still waiting for the examiner's report, so I will verify if that is the reason or not.

So post your WLA titles on here, not because I'm redoing it or anything, so that others might havea better understanding of what a "6" or "7" essay title is like... mine was:

"The role authority in Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba and Anouilh’s Antigone. To what extent can authorities be described as tyrants?" which received a 5, after about 9 drafts of it :D 5 of which I rewrote from scratch ^_^

Well I guess it depends on what books your teacher chose. If your teacher sadly chose 3 cliche books, then your world lit title would turn out to be pretty cliche. I didn't read those 2 texts so I cant say much. But NINE drafs? wow.. I'm still on my 2nd, and still coping with time....

Anyways - mine is "The significance of money portrayed in A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and The Visit by Friedrich Durrenmatt" We havent gotten ours graded yet, but my teacher liked what I wrote so far.

It's sometimes hard to come up with new ideas, and different titles for wl when you and all your classmates all read the same books, and discussed similar topics/themes/language device etc, but I don't think anyone in my class has the same title as someone else. I mean we all have different interpretations of texts.

So for all those writing your wl, I advice that you choose you tittle really carefully. But dont stress over it. Sure, a focused title is what will give you high scores, but write what you WANT to write. Write what interests you. Write what you want to analyze. Your teacher will guide you from there. good luck!

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I got mine bak today... the 1st draft :lol: teheee i have to REWRITE.. cuz very unorganised.. even though certain ppl DID help *cough cough* mehh im useless... imagine wut i wouldve had to do if no1 edited it for me :lol:

aahh neway mine was abt the significance of the setting in Lorca and Ibsen's plays... dolls house and house of bernarda alba...

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  • 1 year later...

My own English teacher, who's been teaching for over 30 years and is an excellent teacher, says she went to several IB training courses (she's an examiner this year for Paper 2's) and says that she and all the other examiners complained about how hard it is for students to get 7's. Some really ridiculous pieces of work get 7's from the moderator (we looked at one P2 essay my teacher was sent fro marking and the girl hadn't even answered the question, the moderator said she deserved a 7 for her use of some "brilliant" metaphor). No one in our school got a 7 last year in English, even though several were predicted one. In the end it is a very subjective subject, and different examiners have different opinions of what is "excellent work" and what is "good but not excellent".

I think the majority of people that do IB in the world are foreigners, although half of the world's IB students are American by nationality. Still, it doesn't mean that they are necessraily better in analysing literature than non-English speakers. 7's are notoriously hard to get in English A1, you may stand a better chance if you're doing English A1 SL as there are less students taking that than there are HL.

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