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I need help narrowing down my IA topic

*sigh* IB :/

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Sorry we can't just give you the answer. you have to think up of the question yourself. If you're set on the final solution, then try to think up of a question that can be analyzed and researched. Usually this question is a "how" or "why" remember that you don't have to come to a concrete answer but what the IA wants you to do is see your research skills test how well you analyze what you ahve researched./

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Hey, i decided that i wanted to do my IA on something about the final solution... but im having problems narrowing it down to a focused question... any suggestions on what i can do?

You can always take a generic approach for getting a question to research. You have a topic you are interested in (I hope, if you aren't you won't like this AT ALL), think of something significant you think/know had something to do with it, and then think of what that significant thing might have done on a certain aspect (economics, political policies, roles in society, something like that) so you end up with something like "How did blahblahblahblah cause a change in blahblahblahblah" <-that was weak, was hoping it would give you a general idea though :P

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This about your topic: who is involved, what significant events took place, what controversies arise from the topic? I always tell people: find a controversial topic about something they really love. For instance, I was really interested in the development of anarchism over the centuries, so I tried to find controversial aspects about anarchism, or specific events involving anarchists, like Berkman, Kropotkin, Proudhon and Emma Goldman. Can you do that for your topic? Once you find the controversial topic, it is easy to place it into a question form: "To what extent did blabla influence blabla?", "To what extent did blabla cause the failure/success of blabla?", "To what extent was blabla significant during blabla", etc. Generally, the question start out with "to what extent", but many are also "how important/significant", "who was...?"

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