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Anyone lives in mexico?

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I am doing a three to four minute presentation (in Spanish) on high schools in Mexico but I'm having a bit of trouble finding information. If anyone could tell me a bit about what high school life is like in Mexico that would be great!

Muchas Gracias!!

EDIT: I have no idea how the "and speak Spanish" bit got in the title...??? It is certainly not necessary that you speak Spanish even at all, I am simply looking for information about schools in mexico :D

Edited by Indigo
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I'm from Mexico and I do speak in Spanish, but I'll try to explain it in english. Maybe you have problems finding information about high school in Mexico because it is quite complicated, there are three institutions: SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública), IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional) and UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), the last two are also mayor public universities.

The UNAM and the IPN are divided in areas and when you finish your three years you have a title as a technician in the area where you specialized. Meanwhile the SEP is a "general" high school, it covers all the subjects, from Math, Chemestry to Philosophy, Literature, etc.

Oh and I forgot, in UNAM high schools are called Preparatorias or the CCH (Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades), in IPN: Vocacionales and in SEP: Bachillerato.

If you need more specific information or you don't understand something just tell me :D

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