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FRENCH: dégueulasse - is this offensive ?

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Hi, I just had my French oral, and my teacher asked me what I thought of the increase of tuition fees, and I replied "c'est dégueulasse !" and he seemed really shocked? I thought it just meant disgusting...I can't really find much about it on the web, (not even wordreference!) so I would really appreciate it if anyone could tell me (and hopefully put my mind at ease.)

Thanks !

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It does indeed mean disgusting, but as far as I know (which is not much, I can assure you) it's usage is more akin to a word like "gross", as in something that is repulsive and might provoke vomiting and/or nausea. Basically, "disgusting" covers a broader range of connotations than "dégueulasse" does; the latter might have been a bit too strong of a word in that context, which is likely why your teacher was so surprised.

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dégueulasse is informal. Only difference. However dégueulasse is often used to label something as unfair or generally mal intentioned. Your use of the word dégueulasse is correct by the way but it is very informal.

Edited by Bishup
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