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IB Biology Combined AP Biology


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Is your IB Biology class combined with another AP Biology class? I know some schools do this, including mine. What do you think of this? Do you think having combined classes would be any different than from having a pure IB class or a pure AP class? Because I'm not sure if having combined classes, it would help us focus on the certain topics that we are supposed to/ not supposed to study for our individual exams at the end of the course.

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The two curriculum are very similar however AP sometimes does not go deep enough as IB wants us too (such as the ethical parts of biology they IB loves to throw at us). Honestly I don't like the idea simply because I think when the tests come around there will be different terms used for the same concept and either AP or IB students will be confused if both terms aren't taught and then you have to learn stuff you don't need to learn really. It's just like our physics class, we have an AP student in our SL2 physics class and it helps her somewhat but she has to learn the AP formulas because they (for whatever reason) use different letters for the same variables...

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  • 6 months later...

I think pure would be better. You learn everything you need and don't get confused with any more stuff. Our school has IB and the school 5 mins away has AP. This is so that people can focus on their own course and keep them completely seperate.

Our school has IB only and the other school in town has only AP. this keeps them seperate. I think it is important so that we don't get too much info we don't need confusing us.

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Our school offers both IB and AP, and although the IB and AP Bio teachers are exceptionally knowledgeable and work very well together, both would be adamantly against integrating the two curriculums in one class.

There are many areas where IB covers a concept that AP doesn`t, and there are just as many where AP requires memorization of things further than the IB curriculum (such as the Brain.)

It seems to me that a combined class would either result in a very stressful workload for the students, or an incomplete one.

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