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Sample Internal Assessments

38 files

  1. STM Recall (SL)

    Replication of Tulving and Pearlstone (1966)


  2. Psychology HL IA marked 7

    An Experiment Investigating the Effect of Anonymity on the Likelihood of Cooperation.


  3. Eyewitness Testimony I (SL)

    An experiment investigating the effects of suggestion on human memory. A replication of Loftus & Zanni (1975).


  4. Eyewitness Testimony II (SL)

    An experiment concerning the effects of manipulated contextual clues on eyewitness
    memory. A replication of Loftus & Palmer (1974).


  5. Levels of Processing and Recall (HL)

    Investigation of Craik & Lockhart's (1972) on semantic and superficial processing on memory recall.


  6. Short-term Memory and Chunking Theory (HL)

    Investigation of Miller's Magic Number 7.
    A good example of what not to do in your IA.


  7. Visual Aids and Rehearsal (HL)

    An extension of Paivio's work to see if pairing pictures with words affects recall.
    An example of what not to do.


  8. Recalling Word Pairs (SL)

    The effects of imagery and rehearsal on memorizing and recalling word-pairs. A replication of Paivio (1971) investigating the dual-coding theory of cognition.
    Grade awarded: 17/20


  9. Preconceived Ideas (HL)

    How does a preconceived idea of a person as warm or cold determine students’ impressions of other personality characteristics?
    Study based on 'The warm-cold variable as an experiential exercise' (Biggs & McAllaster, 1981)


  10. Intervention on Information Recall (SL)

    An investigation on the effect of intervention on information recall. Experiment based on the original of Heyer & Barret (1971) supporting the Working Memory Model of Baddeley & Hitch (1974)


  11. Familiarity of Names (SL)

    An Experiment to Investigate the Effect of Familiarity of Names in Lists on the Recall and Estimation Abilities Due to the Availability Heuristic
    A replication of a study by Kahneman & Tversky (1973)


  12. The Stroop Effect (SL)

    SL Internal Assessment replicating experiment 2 from:
    Studies of Interference in Serial Verb Reactions (Stroop, 1935)


  13. Eyewitness Testimony (SL)

    SL IA replicating the findings from the original study:
    Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction: An Example of the Interaction Between Language and Memory (Loftus & Palmer, 1974)


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