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The Life of an IB Student


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What is the life of an IB student like? I'm intrigued by the IB program and I'm considering my application, however, is it really that bad as many say?

Like, can you give me an example of a question and tell me the average of how much homework is received on a daily basis?


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Look at this: http://www.ibsurvival.com/topic/5-ib-students-starter-pack-ib-faq-syllabus-links/page__pid__46140#entry46140

I'd say maybe an hour or two each night. I typically do little-no homework for several days in a row and then spend hours on homework to balance out the first few days. It's cyclical.

Homework policies would vary from school to school. Our IB coordinator asks teachers not to assign more than 30-45 min/day, but we don't have homework everyday except for math class.

An example question? That's hard to do without a subject specified, and I don't think it matters anyways. The thing is you're going to learn how to do what's asked of you if you have decent teachers. None of the material is super hard if you pick classes according to your strengths and weaknesses.

I don't think many of us truly think of ourselves as IB students. We're so much more than that. Yeah, I do IB, but it's not like IB defines me. It is a significant part of my life, but it doesn't restrict me unless I let it. I'm super involved in 'church' and service activities and scholastic competitions and I like flag football. I procrastinate too much, but I don't really watch a lot of TV. I love reading, but I can't write fiction. I usually stay an hour or two after school everyday for one activity or another, and Saturdays are super busy for me, but Sunday afternoons are usually chill. I don't have a lot of free time, but if something's important to me, I can usually do it.

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I wouldn't say that I had a lot of homework; I found that I'd be studying for an upcoming test or doing IAs as opposed to simple "homework." They're definitely the things that really eat up your time, in my opinion. I tended to do a bit of French and biology everyday, since I found that this was a much more effective method of studying as opposed to cramming before tests. Of course, when the IAs do roll around, they're also pretty time-consuming.

And if you're wondering about hours of sleep... I'd say that my relatively low amount is more of a result of procrastination and guilt than the actual homework/studying quota. :)

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Year 11 was alright, I had a great social life next to school. Year 12 becomes a bit more demanding cause you have to hand in your Extended Essay and stuff like that. If you have good teachers they will start asking for IAs in year 11 as well so you don't have to stress about them all at the same time. IB is probably more work than other courses, but definitely worth it!

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I think that it doesn't have to be a whole lot different than the life of a non-IB student most of the time, but the key thing is time management. It's still possible to do IB and still do many sports, have jobs, hang out with friends or family, or do other extracurricular activities at the same time. Of course, there are those times when everything is due at the same time, or when you have to expand your boundaries because of CAS, and that can be challenging, but on the whole I'd have rather gone through IB, taking the challenges and making high school interesting, than have gone through high school normally and have had a less exciting few years.

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  • 2 weeks later...
but on the whole I'd have rather gone through IB, taking the challenges and making high school interesting, than have gone through high school normally and have had a less exciting few years.

Love this quote - so true, its completely worth it, even with the stress of deadlines and... Extended essay!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never did any homework (our teachers don't force us to do any, although most people do it all) which was my loss in the end...

So even if you don't get much I still recommend you spend a few hours a week studying for yourself.

As far as all the essays are concerned (EE, TOK, world lit) start early but not too early, and find out what the requirements for each are before you start (also read a bunch of sample essays). All of this will be provided by your teacher.

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Life??????? In IB?????????.... Is that an EE topic?

Hahahahahaha just kidding <3

I guess it depends on each country and each school... YET it IS an excellence programme... so DO consider that you'll have to work hard.

Besides the hard work, all those IAs and Papers and the EE and ToK and CAS... I can proudly say: ONE OF THE BEST CHOICES IN MY LIFE!!!


Edited by .:Kr:. - 2%
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The life of an IB student? What life?

If you are not the sort of person that values their own hard work over good grades, then don't do it. If you want easy(ier) good grades then do something else. If you want to learn, and if you want to be extremely prepared for anything life throws at you then do IB. I am the sort of person that puts everything I have into my school work. Which means a lot of sacrifice. Some people don't and do fine, maybe even better than me. But if you want to do it to the best of your ability then you will be working all the time. Unless you are a super genius.

Its also harder for me because I feel guilty when I don't work. Which makes it difficult for me to enjoy myself when I should just sometimes say screw it.

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