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Obama Deficit


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I personally think that Obama has been doing a decent job in the Oval Office with the exception of one thing, the budget. I am totally against any deficit whatsoever and the Obama administration is going to be running one to the tune of 1.75 Trillion dollars


What does everybody else think of Obama's fiscal policy?

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Being honest, I don't know enough about it. Do you have any links which summarise it up? His fiscal policies and plans, I mean.

IMO there's very little which can be done at this point in time with the economy in meltdown, and it's hard to say whether he's doing well or badly relative to how it would've been otherwise

Edited by Sandwich
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this is going to sound very ignorant.

I don't really understand the diagram, it's obviously estimating money values, however what sort of money? is this the governmental spending estimate?

deficiet means a cut doesn't it, what is he cutting exactly? sorry but you should be a bit more descriptive than this to generate an argument. All yhou're saying is you don't agree with some cut obama is making... why not? and what is he supposidly cutting?

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I believe it's the deficit in terms of how far in the red the government is, debt-wise. Deficit doesn't really mean a cut, it means the amount by which you're out from how it should be. So technically it should be at $0 of debt, but there's a deficit of -$1.7 trillion US, or so the graph says. If that explains it at all!

I'm presuming the graph is showing the government's / the country's financial assets?

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