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TOK Presentation about SAT

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My presentation topic is about the SATs...(I know it's really nerdy)but I thought that there were quite a few knowledge issues with it.

Some of the KI's, that I intend to address are emotions (intuition), language, culture, reason, and logic.

Can you please give me some suggestions about how I can apply these KI's to the SATs?? Also, do you think that there are any other KI's that can be addressed concerning the SAT's??

I would really appreciate any help or suggestions.

Thank you!!!

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KI = ??

Anyway, those things you identified are Ways of Knowing. Knowledge issues are different. They're issues relating to knowledge. Not the way of gaining knowledge, although obviously the issue is ultimately an issue in gaining knowledge. I don't know if that makes much sense, but anyway, the important thing to remember is that they're Ways of Knowing (I'd say WOKs but it always makes me think of stirfried rice).

SATs are exams, right? I can't think of many knowledge issues to do with exams, being honest o.o

You actually have to think these things up yourself, throw them out and then people here will respond to them (otherwise it's not really your own work) but my advice at this point would perhaps be to select an easier topic. Exams are kinda hard to identify knowledge issues in.

Some knowledge issues, to get you on track, might be related to things like abortion. How do we set the legal limit for when you may no longer have an abortion? Which criterion to we use? Why is there opposition? In that context you can THEN bring in the ways of knowing (e.g. our emotion makes us see tiny ickly pre-developed baby fingers and decide it's alive, or our reason says to set a developmental marker, such as growth of backbone, and so we use that etc.).

I may be missing something, as I'm not sure what kind of exams SATs are, but I can't really see what you'd find in it to talk about. Knowledge issues aren't to be found just wherever reason/emotion etc. are applied, you see.

I'd love to define a knowledge issue for you to make it absolutely clear, but as with everything else in TOK, nobody really knows what it is, so I hope those examples help instead :)

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Are you comparing the SATs to countries that don't have standardized testing, or are you stating the pros and cons about the SATs?

I think you might be able to come up with some KIs, such as how some people who do really well in school do badly on the SATs because of pressure, and stress, and whether knowledge (what we know), can be limited and measured based on only one test. This could lead to mention about Gardener's multiple intelligences, etc.

You should be a little more specific about your topic and where you want to go with it, so that I could help you more :P

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