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Differences Between IB Psychology SL and IB Psychology HL


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I am in IB Psychology I SL and I am almost done with the exams (paper two is tomorrow). Thus far, I have found the first year of Psychology to be very easy. I have to decide whether to take IB Psychology II HL or SL by the end of this year. However, I do not know what the fundamental differences between the two courses and examinations are. Can someone please tell me what the difference between IB Psychology II SL and HL is (in reference to the course work, the internal assessments, the external assessments, and the examinations)?

On a more general note, is there a difference between whether I choose to take 3 HL and 3 SL tests or 4 HL and 2 SL tests? Like, all that really matters is that I get the 24 hours, right, regardless of what level I take in my 6 subjects?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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First of all, I would like to congratulate you for becoming the First Honorary Neg Recipient!

Furthermore, the psychology syllabus is located here: http://www.ibsurvival.com/index.php?showtopic=4492 The syllabus will tell you about the difference between the two and also contains a bunch of other useful information. Enjoy it.

You made a few other errors which I feel compelled to correct. You meant 24 points not hours. About the HL thing, you don't need 4 HLs, no one's going to pat you on the back for doing 4. Go on with 3 and 3. Also it's not Psychology II, it's just Psychology. You are on an international forum, please use correct non Americanized terminology. There are other threads in the forum which talk about 4 HLs and 3 HLs. Look in the General IB discussion. So basically congratulations for putting your thoughts on paper! Now work on separating your thoughts with periods, commas, and conjunctions. And also understand that the forum is divided to help you find things, so look at forum and topic titles. Believe it or not, your situation is not that unique and it has been discussed before, so just look for it.

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