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My English class (it’s a pre-IB enriched class) recently had a test. The test that we were having was one that really pissed me off. It was the sort of test that one wouldn’t normally receive in IB. Basically, it was to test us on whether we finished reading the book or not. Being a prospective IB student, I was one of the few students who had read the book. The test was unusually difficult for me, and I knew that I did poorly. When we got the test back, I was slightly shocked to see that I received one of the lowest marks in the class. It was like a slap in the face, since some of the members of my class who hadn’t even read the book, got better than me. This slap still stings as I think about my torturous future in IB. I keep trying to persuade myself that I can still survive IB because this was not an IB type of test but can I really? Am I IB material?

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Avoid subjects with lots of memorising? xP

A single test isn't going to say much at all about you, especially a factual recall test because at the end of the day, we could all pass it, IB or random tramp on the street (presuming we could read and had lots of time). The IB isn't some magical sort of course where you have to be SUPERHUMAN (although I imagine it would be a lot easier if you were). The only thing about this that indicates to me you wouldn't survive the IB is that you're stressing out about a single test :) We all adapt ourselves to a series of inferior marks in all internal testing. It's only the final exams that matter.

If you're interested, the only situation in which you will be memorising plays/books will be for your A1 Language orals and Paper 2. However, for Paper 2 a vague outline coupled with some good quotes will be sufficient aaaand for the language Oral, we all just suffer that one xP Depends what books you're doing as to what degree of memorising that'll require.

Yesyes. So I'd say that the IB isn't really for people who worry (a lot) and get unsettled (quickly). Unless you want to spend 2 years worried and unsettled :) Chill out about it and you'll be a-okay :)

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I vote you chill out hahaha. As was said before, one test does not define what kind of student you are. In my english class, my teacher always gave us brutal tests like that. And they were worth jack ****. She just did it to make us read :)

The worst you can do is be stressed out BEFORE IB even STARTS haha.

It'll be okay.

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I fully agree with the posts above.

No need to worry; pre-IB just makes you worry about the real thing (that's one of it's purposes)

You should do fine, just don't stress, and remember that those tests really don't mean anything

Get a less anxiety provoking signature!!! DD8

A day by day public countdown is just cruel xPPP

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This is some great advice. I was in your situation some months ago where reading the text rather than going to a website like sparknotes was a bad choice. It's infuriating, but I don't think that test even measures your ability to memorize. Take two minutes to groan and then let it go. I personally need to get a bad grade once every few weeks to remind me that stuff happens and to make me work harder. The fact that you care about your grades will help you so much. It means the class is important to you and it's high as a priority.

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