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I'm lost. Cognitive Perspective is simply not my favorite.
Some ideas for each of them?
Would be very much appreciated.
If you've done one of them, sending them would also be great.

1. Choose one cognitive research study that should be considered controversial.
A] Outline the method used in the chosen study
B] Explain why the study is considered controversial. [8 pts]

2. Account for one limitation of a cognitive explanation of behavior [8pts]

3. A] Explain one psychological or social question from the cognitive perspective.
B] compare the cognitive explanation of the question selected in part (a) with the explanation offered by one another perspective. [20pts]

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Question 1 is just a matter of choosing something that interests you. There are ethical considerations in almost any study, but a prominent one that comes to mind is the milgram experiment [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment[/url] where the psychological effect on the subjects still existed even after they were debriefed about the purpose of the experiment.

For question 2, the limitatons for the cognitive perspective are on the Psych syllabus, but the easiest is that mental processes can be studied scientifically. The idea that cognitive psychology came about when computers were becoming popular and uses the computer-model for behavior plays a lot into this.

Question 3 is asking for some issue like aggression, altruism, conformity, prejudice, etc. All you have to do is find a research study that backs the cause of that issue from one perspective, and then another study suggesting a different cause for that issue from a different perspective. For example, an HL answer to this question if you choose altruism could be the biological perspective's idea of hamilton's rule and use a animal altruism research study (like ants, bees, and wasps all exhibit altruism). Then from humanistic, baston's empathy-altruism theory supported with research.

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