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English A1 advice needed!


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Hey there,

I've been playing around with different EE topic ideas and have the chosen following question:

"What is the role and significance of fate in Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth?"

However, this topic has been extremely delved in to and my advisor is telling me I need to be extremely cautious. Would you suggest I choose another topic altogether or stick with my current one but make sure I use my own analysis?

I'm kind of scared that I'll touch on the ideas of others since it is relatively straight forward. Any advice is appreciated :wtf:

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It does sound very overdone. One book is a little narrow to base an EE on anyways. Find another text that deals with fate or some other theme in Romeo and Juliet, and compare them.

However, that book is very overdone and the topic hardly sounds original. You can still do well-known books (I did my EE on Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice) but you should pick a question that hasn't been done before (even though you think that "If I pick something that's been done before, I'll have lots of sources). English EE's are mostly based on your own analysis, and don't usually have lots of footnotes in comparison to things like History EE's.

Think of any books you particularly liked, ones that you have read in English as part of the IB programme or at home. Are there any common themes or similarities between characters? Pick a topic that decently interests you, because spending months on something boring will drain you and make you hate the whole process.

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