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TOK presentation - Korean protestant in Afghanistan


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I have to have a general idea of what i will do for my TOK presentation by the end of this week.

I've been thinking about doing something related to the

Korean protestants held hostage in afghanistan , since i'm korean.

Obviously i think it would relate to ethics, saying

who are they (protestants) to go to afghanistan and persuade their religion? etc.

This is the general idea, but can u help me to develop this into a presentation?

i've never done one before, so i need alot of help!


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Guest cl0ckw0rk0range

I have to have a general idea of what i will do for my TOK presentation by the end of this week.

I've been thinking about doing something related to the

Korean protestants held hostage in afghanistan , since i'm korean.

Obviously i think it would relate to ethics, saying

who are they (protestants) to go to afghanistan and persuade their religion? etc.

This is the general idea, but can u help me to develop this into a presentation?

i've never done one before, so i need alot of help!



I havent done my presentation yet. wer doing a practice run next next week, and i think wer doing the real one in december so just so you know, my advice wont be extremely helpful. sorry

personlly, i love ur topic. i thimk its a very debatable one.

our teacher tells us to always refer to the tokc ircle diagram: sense preception, language, emotion, knowing (and the rest of all that)

expalin the theme from different aspects too - the korean portestants, afghanistanis, korean govt, aftahnistan govt, korean public's, and more especially, YOUR point of view about this topic.

Qusetions that you might want to bring up are

- why did the protestants go to afgahanistan despite the korean govt's disapproval?

- hwo do we know this

- why do you/we know that going to afgahnistan to promote christianity is nto a smart idea especially during this time - when aftahnistan isnt a fully-stablised country

and remember to have your presenation wel structured sothat people can easily folow what your saying

hope this helps!

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more especially, YOUR point of view about this topic.

Can I stress something else though. This is a presentation of an issue. You are supposed to present both sides of the argument (i.e. have counter arguments). You are not trying to convince anyone of your point of view. Yes, you can take a stand, but you should not let that stand affect the way you conduct the presentation.

- why did the protestants go to afgahanistan despite the korean govt's disapproval?

- hwo do we know this

I find this bit a bit waffly. How do you know the government disapproved? Well, I don't think there's much you can say about that except the fact that there's empirical proofs like reports and such.

I find a much more relevant TOK issue in this is not the ways of knowing but ethics, as the OP already mentioned. Was it ethical of the Koreans to go in another's country and try to persuade them to follow their religion?

There's some belief that can be thrown in as well - the Koreans, with belief in their religion may think they're doing the right thing...

You could go into a bit of the AOK of history - BRIEFLY - with the European missionary in Africa/South America.

A WOK you can talk about is emotions - how would the Afghans react with foreigners in their country trying to sell their religion to them?

Perception - could what the Koreans are doing be considered brainwashing/patronising/indoctrinating? If yes, in whose perception? What's the problem with perception and how does that effect one's view of what is ethical?

The idea is to throw in key TOK words with WOK, AOK etc etc. ^_^

I'm not familiar with the situation at all, but I'm just throwing out ideas to you here.

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