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Physics Extended Essay-Inexplicable error


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Hello everyone! I am in the process of doing an extended essay in physics. I built a trebuchet and through the use of some applied calculations tried to determine its range. I then experimented in real life and got results that don't match the calculations. I tried my best to explain it away by citing air resistance and friction within the system, but I feel that this only goes so far. Is it alright if I just say "I have no idea why this is happening"?

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No idea what a trebuchet is, but to answer your question: No, don't say you have no idea why it's happening. Explain it away in all the ways you can. Find mistakes with every small thing you did. Or even hypothesize a new version of the theory you are testing.

If you run out of ways to explain your error, ask your teacher. Find a university professor. Find anyone. But ending your EE by saying that you couldn't find out what went wrong probably won't get you marks for completeness of investigation.

If you have time, repeat the experiment at least once more. Then you can look for error margins and compare your technique. If the results do differ the second time, you should probably do it a third time, otherwise your theory will be based on a 50% margin of error (which is huge). They say the third time is lucky...

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