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Torn between subjects!


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Hey hey!


We have to choose our subjects for DP right now but we're not binded to it yet, they're just doing this for interest levels to be able to plan the schedule effectively. I'm good at essays and I don't struggle with math or science (at the moment at least).

In uni, I plan on going down the more humanities route (human, social, political sciences, sociology, psychology, journalism, law, and similar courses) Definitely a Uni in the UK or if all else fails - Canada


What I am leaning towards so far:

Lang & Lit HL

Psychology HL

Geography or History HL (I'm really really torn between these two, I'm interested in both and seem to need both of them in the future I guess)

Math SL

French SL


Before I learned more about this course I was leaning towards Bio or Chem SL, but is it better to do a core science than ESS? And if it was bad to do ESS, is Chem or Bio better? I heard that Chem disregards everything you learned previously and "starts from the beginning" and Bio is a whole lot of memorization)


Can you also tell me about each of the subjects I mentioned above (including the ones i'm still considering)?


Thanks! :)

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Personally what I've followed Lang Lit HL lessons that's pain in the back but I'm not sure if that's just me. For me Lang Lit SL is pain already.

Chemistry and Biology are both extremely interesting subjects, it is good if you have some preliminary knowledge from Chem but its doable without. Its just harder. And yes, Bio is a whole ton of memorization.

Math SL is for most part easy, and working pays off with math. Its good choice if you don't need HL but don't particularly hate math either.

That's about the subjects I take, I don't unfortunately take anything else from your list.

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Psychology, History, and Language A subjects are essay-based, so they may fit you well. History is my favourite subject because the emphasis isn't on facts, but instead on analysis, and that's super interesting to me. History and Psych are both very difficult to get 7s in, especially at HL.


I disagree with Emilia, though, about math. For me, that's the one subject that is a hellish hole from which I may never recover. My teacher--nicely put--isn't very good and everything is super hard overall (which doesn't really contribute to motivation); but I've always struggled with math. Only thing to keep in mind is that Math SL isn't an easy subject, that's Math Studies, while Math HL is super advanced. If you have an inkling of a feeling you may want to go into sciences, and math isn't too difficult to you, definitely take SL or you're closing some doors for yourself.


ESS is considered a 'soft subject' by UK unis, but so is ITGS and my classmate got an offer from Oxford while taking ITGS HL, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. For me, ESS sounds like a far more interesting subject than bio (lots and lots and lots of memorisation. Don't underestimate it.) Talk to your school's IB-people, ask which teachers consistently get good results & pick subjects that interest you. I started to the IB, changing from ITGS to History on a whim after the first week, and by the end of IB1, I was negotiating with my IB coordinator to be able take HL next year and study what I missed during summer, because it took me a year of SL to realise I want to do History in university. Things can change no matter how much you plan, so make a choice that feels right and if things don't work out, see if you can change something.


Good luck!!

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Adding to above, Geography HL there is some writing, but essay questions are a small or nevertheless important chunk of your marks. The subject is mostly intuitive and basically the only thing you have to memorize are case studies.
I refuse to believe that someone who's "good at writing" can do well in all IB courses that employs essay questions. There may not be a distinct separation between "writing-related" and "math-related" courses. Math is just hard for everyone. That being said, I want you to consider both statements of you good at writing, and good at sciences when you actually enter IB. 

Not sure what you mean chem disregards everything you've learned. Like they are not gonna tear apart the periodic table and use a new one. Yes they are going to reject the planetary model but you are not going to get a full quantum mechanics treatment and in most units it's still more intuitive to think about the planetary model of the atom. Chem and physics (not sure about bio) are to be learned in 2 years with prior knowledge of only very basic / common sense. Unlike math, which basically requires you to have learned many preparatory topics before entering IB.

In your words, it looks like you are choosing completely the humanities route, and it is unlikely that with this course load you can get admitted to many top science-focused colleges/universities. NUS is definitely a top university by all measures but if you are interested in UK, US, Canada you can start preparing looking at their admission standards. 

Between bio and chem, I definitely recommend chem because just a right amount of bio and physics by taking only one course.


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