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Language B (German B) IOC structure help


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Generally you want to spend the first few minutes physically describing the image - what, literally, do you see? Are there people in the image? Who are they - what details about them relate to the broader message? What are they doing? What's in the background? What objects are present, what is their relevance? These are just a few questions you might ask, and they vary greatly by image - but the key is to literally describe at first and make sure you don't miss details.


Of course, literal description isn't sufficient for 10-minute presentation. You want to deviate from the visuals to the interpretation. A good way of making this leap is by reading the caption and describing its message and implications. What social implications does the image have when considered relative to the caption? Is it satire? Does it point to a problem in the world? For example, if you're given an image like this: 


you might use it as an opportunity to transition to discussion about the role of technology in society, and whether it is excessively relied upon. Some sort of broad social issue that's omnipresent in the topic your teacher has selected for orals that you're well prepared to tackle and have plenty of vocabulary for. This will also ensure that your teacher will be able to ask you good questions during the subsequent interaction.


So basically - first 2-3 minutes literal description, then use the caption to jump to a broader interpretation of a societal implication of the image.

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