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I have my final IOP on Monday and i'm stressing out. I choose De Tales the graphic novel, its short stories, 2 without words and the rest with speech bubbles. My teacher helped with an idea since i couldn't come up with anything. He said to do it on characterization and maybe plot. But i need a thesis to look into. Idk could someone please guide me and help me out with a thesis. Would really appreciate it! 

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I have my final IOP on Monday and i'm stressing out. I choose De Tales the graphic novel, its short stories, 2 without words and the rest with speech bubbles. My teacher helped with an idea since i couldn't come up with anything. He said to do it on characterization and maybe plot. But i need a thesis to look into. Idk could someone please guide me and help me out with a thesis. Would really appreciate it! 


Can you give a brief synposis of the texts/literature pieces?

Synopsis******* [Didn't spell it right oops]

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theorycontentionargument, line of argument, proposalproposition,premiseassumptionpresumptionhypothesis, postulation, surmise,supposition are all alternative words for thesis so it is basically like a request question, more or less like a lab report, but in your case a book report

Note:I haven't read this book. but i'm doing my part 4 works and i'm currently facing the same situation. luckily its just a mock

  • link other part 4 books with the work you are gonna present compare and contrast the plot make an argument on the social, ethical issues or etc...for instance
  • link the book with its adopted movie if it has got one
  • just analyze in depth how the minor or major or both minor and major characters build up the plot 

If you still feel not okay with this plz  message me I'll be sure to look at it and help you with it at any cost 

Never get tensed especially during the last few days relax just breath in some fresh air take a break, well this was an advice given to me by a teacher



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Hey :-)

I haven't read any of those works mine is totally different...... anyways I have some basic knowledge about those books and also about the author Stephen King

Why don't u compare the author's life with his novella and novel quoting references from the story there are so many incidents in the novel where the author's life has influenced him to write such a story for instance the train accident {the body} is actually a true incident he experienced during his childhood even the protagonist of the story experienced this during his childhood.

If this isn't ok we also have another option

Compare and contrast the two books of Stephen King for instance the social & ethical issues or even the themes the characterization etc...

If still not okay

as i said before compare and contrast the book with the movie

and for the praise in shadows i'll message u :D 

Cheer up tell me if u r gonna keep on worrying can u increase or decrease a meter not even an inch so stop worrying and be happy sure that will give u good results :)      

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Okay so i searched a bit on the first topic option u suggested but i only found the incident about the train which was similar, do you have the website were you saw that  there are so many incidents in the novel where the author's life has influenced him to write such a story ?? 


Yeah i guess your right theres no point stressing. And I really appreciate you helping me out! :D

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Well his father just runs away from his mother when  Stephan King was young and later his mother adopted another boy called David who is supposed to be King's elder brother so can u find the link between this incident and the novella the body 

like all the characters are teens and are dominated by elder brothers and have a very bad relationship with there parents for more info I'll PM u right now OK :)   

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