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For the most part, I'm a well-rounded person. I get top marks, I am very sociable, I take part in lots of extracurriculars (Model UN, Volunteering)... there's only one problem: I'm not athletic. I'm fit enough, and if it's just a matter of going to the gym then that's fine, but I wouldn't say I'm good enough to join a team sport at my school.


I've heard that in order to get admitted to Ivy Leagues, you need to join a team sport? Is this true, and does this apply to top universities in the US and UK?


Instead of team sports, are individual sports okay: martial arts, archery, etc? Is there any way to get around this and get accepted without being in a team or individual sport (simply gymming)?



Edited by watsonswaltz
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If you're approaching trying to be admitted to an Ivy League or other top university like a checklist, you're not going to get in. These schools are more interested in what makes YOU a unique candidate and what interests and passions you have. If sports aren't your thing, then you don't have to do them. Do something else and devote your time to that. If you're doing an activity just for resume building or because you think it looks good, they are going to see right through what you're doing.

I wasn't good enough to join a sports team so I did martial arts for four years because I WANTED TO. And while I didn't apply to any Ivy League caliber schools, I was still admitted to good schools because I had that and several other highly involved activities.

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