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Effectively Answering Question 4 on Paper 1


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I understand the time limitations for Paper 1 and that the final question is the most important and is worth 8 marks. My problem is that, during both of our past mock exams, I have not been able to produce a very good essay, in my eyes, with the "allotted" 20 minutes. For the other questions, however, I have received full if not almost full marks. 

So, are there any pointers for writing question 4? Should I give myself more time (e.g. 25 minutes) to complete it if I seem to struggle with producing an answer? Should I just practise more to perfect my technique? What really constitutes an exceptional answer for this question?

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Practice makes perfect with answering that part of Paper 1.


What I found worked best (as in getting at least 6/8 marks each time) was to approach it similar to a regular history essay, just much shorter:

 - State your argument or thesis statement. It should answer the question being asked, and you should have two or three supporting areas that you'll discuss to help answer your question.

- Discuss each of those supporting areas you identified in your thesis. A good paragraph for each is fine since you don't have that much time. Make sure you reference all of the sources (or at least 4 out of the 5 sources) to provide evidence for your arguments, and analyze them like you'd do in a normal essay. In addition, bring in outside knowledge. You'll score best with a combination of drawing evidence from the sources with a little bit of extra knowledge on your part.

- Write a conclusion, and challenge the assumptions of the question if possible.


You should leave yourself at least 20 minutes, but ideally 25 is best. You'll be able to cut down on the time you spend on the other three parts, while still producing quality work in those areas, by practicing paper 1 often.

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Thank you for your advice and input. I'll definitely do my best with that practice, and I'll hopefully do much better on question 4 on my next exam.

My other question, if you don't mind, is how to incorporate all of the sources if some of them have opposing messages compared to your own argument. Would the inclusion of such sources not weaken your argument? Or are you supposed to refute the messages of such sources using your own knowledge and the other sources?

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Depending on how you answer your question, you can use the sources that have an opposing message to your argument as counterarguments, and then use either your own knowledge or information from the sources to refute it. In addition, sometimes you can still use the source for objective information or facts.


If your paper 1 topic allows for it, you can also use the fact that the sources have opposing messages to make some sort of brief statement about how there are multiple perspectives on the topic and what that means in the big picture of that event in history.

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I find it really helpful to make a t-chart before writing it of facts for and against the argument. In that t-chart I normally write down the relevant points from the sources so I can write the essay really quickly. 

My teacher always says the best way to get a good grade on it is to make sure you use all the sources, have more than one perspective (so for a to what extent question you need to have 'to this extent yes _____' and 'to this extent no _____', and to also make sure we bring in outside knowledge. 

My teacher also suggests to not do an intro paragraph and to just write your thesis and then jump straight into the argument given that you normally only have 20-25 minutes.

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