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Subject choice indecision!

Eid Jazairi

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I'm a Arab student studying abroad taking the following: 

English A LL: HL 
Arabic A: SL
Math HL

Physics SL

Business Management HL
Chemistry SL

and I just got approved for doing the Arabic B HL instead of Arabic A SL which is a little out of my grasp since my Arabic language isn't that great. 

So I was wondering what effect this will have? Now I have 4 HLs, should I drop Math HL? Would it effect my admission if I have English HL and Arabic B HL?

Keep in mind I'm trying to apply to UC system universities with a predicted score of 38/45, and if I drop an HL subject to SL I'd be around 40/45.  

Should I continue with 4 HLs? I'm just going through a lot of stress and would really appreciate the HL off my shoulders. 

I also read that UCLA only accounts for HL subjects, does that mean taking 4 HLs would help me more applying there? Any insight on this would be very much appreciated.

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Hey there,


Firstly let me say, it's generally said that you should stick to 4 HLs. There's no point in putting yourself under unnecessary stress. However it does say that they only regard HLs in which you have scored above 5, so that has to be taken into consideration.


It depends on:

a) What course you want to take and what is the number of credits you need, and in what subjects?

b) How certain are you that you can get over 5 in all your HLs?

c) Are you certain you want to go to UCLA?

d) What are your strengths and weaknesses? Which subjects are you better at in all of them?


The only reason I'm asking is because, if you want to take one of your sciences at HL and take Arabic B SL, then you could get easy marks for the latter, and if you're comfortable with the sciences, and know you can get over 5, then it's at least 8 credits there, so if you get above five on your HLs, you've got 32 credits. Even if you don't take that you've got 24 credits. However, I have no idea about the American system, so I can't be that helpful.


Hope it helped slightly and I hopefully didn't ramble the whole time!


Edit: I accidentally said 4 HLs instead of 3 HLs. My mistake.

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I'm pretty certain I can get at least 5 in my HLs. 

Taking one of the Sciences as HL is definitely not an option. I'm looking to drop HLs not pick up more, and since I want to study Marketing, I see small use of taking a science HL. Plus I'm already in my Senior year. 

I either want to drop English A: HL to SL... Or Drop my Math HL to SL, but I am indecisive and I would appreciate any insight on which would benefit me more to keep as HL, or if the advantages of keeping both is crucial and it would benefit me greatly if I do the 4 HLs. 

As for my strength and weaknesses, I've always been top of the class on both subjects, yet I feel a lot more passionate and confident about Math than English, yet with Math HL I am seeing a whole new world of intense hardcore math that I can no longer call 'a walk in the park'. So I still don't know which to chose. XD


Personally, dropping either would be a relief, and keeping either wont be too much to stress about. They are equally difficult/easy in my eyes. 

Gahh, I'm going through a lot of stress having to decide! 
Thanks in advance for any helpp :D

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Woah, woah, I just realised a major mistake in my previous post. I actually meant to say, stick to 3 HLs not 4. Sorry.  :sweat:


I think the best advice I can personally give you is choose what you enjoy and think you will do best at. Maths HL, as you say, isn't a walk in the park and has some difficult mathematical concepts. However, Language and Literature HL (I think) tends to require better quality in their essays, etc. I guess it also depends what you think will help you the most in Marketing as well.


Since you study various text types in LangLit, some of which may be related to marketing (no idea though as I'm going to do Literature), more than Maths at least, maybe LangLit HL will be better?


Hope you manage to get it sorted out!

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