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Recognition of Language B HL

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How does taking a Language B HL as one of your 3 HLs effect the college admission's perception of the application?

Since your ethnicity is the same of that Language B HL even though you don't have enough of the language to take A2.


Should I do 4 HLs? or is that just an extra load of stress with no apparent benefit? 

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Depends on what you want to study, and where. If it's something like international relations/foreign languages then it looks good to have languages at HL. If it's something like medicine as long as you have your required subjects of chemistry and biology then they usually don't care what the third HL is, even if it's a language B. And then in places like the US where there really aren't too many entry requirements for courses it doesn't even matter.


My extra HL was Spanish B, but I only did it because I was really good with the language and picked it up easily (I'm not from a Latin American or Spanish background, though). It wasn't much additional work, but the HL Spanish B class at my school isn't too much work to begin with since everyone in the class already knows the grammar and has a good command of the language, and it's just practicing vocabulary and doing practice exams in class. If you think it won't be too much work feel free to add it, but if you don't want to, that's fine too.

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Math HL will show unis that you have advanced quantitative and mathematical skills which is essential for business/finance/econ. Also it is a course extremely liked by unis. Frankly English HL will only be good if you are planning for law, linguistics, humanities etc.

Edited by Knight
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