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Choosing HL and SL


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i am a 10th grade student and i'll do ib next year. i have a 4.7 GPA and i want to study in USA or Canada . i enjoy math and chemistry and i want to be an industrial engineer so which HL should i take ? is 2 HL science needed for studying engineering ? should i take HL math or HL economics? do i get any credits for any HL ?

thank you for your time

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I thought that everyone was obliged to speak English in the forums but I saw people responding in their own language so:

Nereye gidiceğine bağlı , hedeflediğin üniversitelerin internet sitelerine gir application kısmında minimum requirements var IB için hangi dersleri hangi seviyede istedikleri yazar.

Hem 2 fen hem Matematik HL almak istemezsen ekonomiyi al zor ve sıkıcı ama almışken high almak lazim. High ve standart arasındakı tek fark paper 3 o daha daha kolay paper 1 ve 2'ya gore. Ayni paper 1 ve 2'ya giriyosun.

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tesekkurler yani hl economy hl mathden daha kolay diyebilir miyim ?

Evet paper 3 baya beleş paper 1 ve 2'de real world example'a analiz yapiyosun paper 3'de matematik (matematik derken HL falan gibi değil bildiğin ilkokul seviyesi formuller) Internal assement ler de ayni. Almışken standart alman saçma olur her türlü aynı eforu göstericeksin derse hatta paper 3'den notun yükselir belki.

Fenler konusunda ise su an fizik alanlar -alamadigim icin sahsi tavsiye veremem- cok kolay diyor ama IB2'dekiler matematikten bile beter oluyomus diyor sadece HL için olan konular. Matematik hakkinda da; soru tipleri falan farkli olsa da HL Math'teki konular meb matematigine cok benziyo SL'de bisey yapmiyolar 9.sinif fonksiyonlarindan ibaret 2 sene. HL Math zor bir ders ama çalışmayla yapılır. Ikisi de HL alirsan zorlar yani hangi dersi daha kolay buluyosan onu HL al bence.

HL kimya şu an baya kolay mesela ama ona da zorlaşıcak diyolar. "Zor" hali de gene Meb kimyasından kolaydır (turk mufredati alanlarin yaptiklarindan gordugum kadari ve iki mufredati da ogreten hocalara gore)

Gene de tavsiyem en başta 2 fen ve matematikle başla HL'ler olarak en çok hangisinde zorlanırsan onu SL'e çevirirsin. Ekonomide ayni sinifta olursun zaten ama diğer derslerde SL'den HL'e geçiş zorlar ekstra konular için açığı kapatman gerekir vs

Edited by ryuk1
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i am a 10th grade student and i'll do ib next year. i have a 4.7 GPA and i want to study in USA or Canada . i enjoy math and chemistry and i want to be an industrial engineer so which HL should i take ? is 2 HL science needed for studying engineering ? should i take HL math or HL economics? do i get any credits for any HL ?

thank you for your time

since you'd like to study engineering math HL would be a better option than economics HL. I think since you enjoy it anyway, you'll work harder to do well in it. and for credits, this depends on the college but i've seen most colleges giving credits for HL subjects.

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To the above posters, all posts MUST be in English unless they are in the A1/Language B forum in which case they must have the appropriate tag. If you post in a language other than English you have to include a translation for all other users. Just keep this in mind from now on.

In the US you will get credit for your HLs provided you meet a certain score. It is usually a 5, but it could also be a 4 or a 6. For industrial engineering take HL math definitely (it is a lot of logistics and optimizing systems). HL economics will likely be beneficial to you for industrial engineering. As for your other HL, I don't know what typical industrial engineering entry requirements are so your best bet would be to look these up and find out the requirements for the majority of schools and make your subjects reflect those.

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