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Banned because you usually follow people who are of the same opinion as yourself anyway (this happens on a sub-concious level which you don't have all that much control over), so you're not really getting a too balanced report from social media either.

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Banned because yes it is that simple! Just be careful of what you say or do! Nothing ANYONE EVER does should be done so mindlessly! Everyone should think about every single thing they do, anyways! So if they do that, there should really be no issue! Those who object will be those who do not take the time to think about what they do, who in turn deserve what they get, no?

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Banned because although I agree that you could assume that everything can be 'watched' online, I strongly disagree with the US' stance regarding NSA's surveillance and hacking activities (mostly of non-American persons / organisations who did nothing wrong) in the name of 'national security.'

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Banned because I also agree with many things the US does.........and it is not very helpful that Stephen Harper does whatever he can to stay on America's good side by basically copying them! -_-

Also, you are correct that NSA should not do this, however, I stand by what I say in the fact that we can not control what anyone does but ourselves meaning no matter what, we should be careful of what is said online :P

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Banned because still.. People who discuss terrorism seriously shouldn't be considered as a threat. Nor should organisations who attempt to improve the hunger situation in Africa. We should truly avoid the 'guilty until the opposite's proven' mindset, otherwise we'll have a very dystopian future ahead of us.

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Banned because the thought that you're powerless is not really true. Unless a government respects their population, they should feel the pressure increasing. Unless you do your best to improve the fairness of the world, you're actually contributing to the unfairness. That would be the same as to say that you accept the unfairness.

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