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Italian Literature A1 - Please I need urgent help


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Hi to everybody

I am studying to graduate next year.

Subujects are: History HL - Physics HL - Spanish HL - Math SL - German A.I. and Italian A1 SL

The problem is that I am confused about Italian Literature and I cannot understand what I have to do.

Last year I have done part 1 of the Syllabus outline ( Works in translation).

Then this year I should study part 2, 3 and 4 but I am not able to understand where the respective

works should be taken from.

I have both the PLA English A and the PBL Italian A1

It has been told me to use the PLA (English A) but I am not sure this is the right way.

Why should I use the PLA English A to choose authors and works and not the PBL Italian

where italian authors and works are ?

So as you see I am lot in confusion and the biggest problem is that , at the end, I still didn't start to

study... and time is going on fast :-(

Please, is there anyone which can help me on this topic, this is very important for me...

May be someone which is already studying or has already done this exam in Italian Literature SL or HL?

I spent my last 2 and half year with lot of sacrifices to pass from the italian school to an international

and I don't wish to loose everything, right not that I am at the end.

Thank you very much for your help

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Hi and thanks for your answer but what you mean BLA ?

I spoke about PLA (Prescreibed List Author) English A and PBL (Prescribed Book List) Italian A1.

If you mean PLA then I dont understand because there are just english author

Since I am studying italian literature I don't understand the sense ..

Do you speak about PLA Italian ? ...because the school gave me just the PLA English A :-(

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You need to purchase this PLA document. From what I understand, it has all the PLAs of every language.


Go to the Italian one and find the respective authors that you want to choose your novels from.

I would call the store though and double check that the Italian one is on the list as well.

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