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Help! Language A1 HL or Language A2 HL?


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Hi, everyone!

This is my first post.

I will be starting IB this fall. I've decided to take Biology HL, Chem HL and need to decide what my third HL should be. I'm thinking of taking either my A1 Language or my A2 Language as my third HL. I'm at the same level in both languages. Which would you recommend me to take? (I plan to study a science degree later and will have no use for my language higher.) Which is easier?

Thanks for your help.

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I'm taking both my language A1 and A2 at HL, so I guess I could advise you.

Taking A1 at HL means you will have to read like 3-4 extra works and do an extra World Literature Assignment, plus extra demands on analysing language.

Taking A2 at HL... hmm, I know no one taking A2 on SL, but I think that the difference is that you only study one of the topics chosen by your teacher, e.g. media and global issues.

If I were to choose I would take A2 at HL instead of A1, because in general, that course is funnier!

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If you're doing anything but English, French or German A1, I recommend taking A1 as your HL. If you are doing one of those, I recommend taking A2 HL. A2 HL is a piece of cake, but so is A1 HL with all languages except the ones above, but having A1 HL looks better when applying for university. But I have both HL, and I think both are very easy.

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Thanks for your replies! I'm still undecided so I need to ask more questions.

1. Which course do you think is easier Language A2 HL or Language A1 SL (My A1 is not English/German/French, and my A2 is English.)?

2. How high are the demands on analyzing literature in A2 HL compared to A1 SL (I'm thinking when it comes to the comparative commentary etc.)?

3. How do you study the cultural options in A2?

The reason I'm undecided is that I feel that although A2 is less work, A1 seems more straightforward (and might be easier to score well in?). I don't know. I really need to score well in my third HL.

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Okey, I'll try to put things straight for you [believe me, that's not my thing.. haha]

First of all, what's your A1 language? A2 is English or? The below answers are based on my experiences as a Swedish A1 HL and English A2 HL student-

1. I would say A2 HL, at least from what I know. I mean, I have actually done mocks exams Language A1 SL (I'm HL but all HL students had to do the SL test)and Language A2 HL, and believe when I say A2 was easier. But it depends, A1 is a real literature course, while A2 is half literature, half culture. So while A1 at HL only means some extra literary works to read and work with, A2 at HL means only an extra cultural option and thus more chances to fix a great InteractiveO grade! :good:

2. A1 is all about literature, so there we really speak of a need of analysing skills. At A2 you analyse literature only during the Individual Oral, and at exams.

3. How? Well if you are an A2 HL student you study TWO options, and well, generally we discuss things in class, and then work with various projects that end up in Interactive Orals. We do like 2-4 Orals per option I think :help: I don't know very well which options there are to choose, but we studied Global Issues (easy and interesting) and Media&Culture.

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Thanks QueenSara, your reply really helped. I've got the same A1 and A2 Languages as you, so it's likely your experiences will be accurate. I'm most likely going with A2 HL. More fun, less work.

Just one question: Do you have to analyze literature to a higher level in Language A1 HL than in Language A1 SL (harder to get high grades in HL than in SL)? Or is the only difference that you have to read more?

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Thanks QueenSara, your reply really helped. I've got the same A1 and A2 Languages as you, so it's likely your experiences will be accurate. I'm most likely going with A2 HL. More fun, less work.

Just one question: Do you have to analyze literature to a higher level in Language A1 HL than in Language A1 SL (harder to get high grades in HL than in SL)? Or is the only difference that you have to read more?

Glad I could help! :good: And as for your question, besides that you have to read more at A1 HL, it is also higher demands on analysing, e.g. you really need to be able to analyse language appropriately at HL, and at exams, while SL get hint questions, HL get nothing :help:

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