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Urgent help needed - Research question too broad?


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Hello there,

Our history teacher (first year IB) is leaving and he has decided that we should submit our IA by tomorow the latest. NO draft, no nothing.

So... as I have my IA partially done I am still not sure whether my research question is appropriate. Please refrain from bashing me for having enough time... there simply was not enough time (got my sources like 5 days ago).

so my rq is: To what extent was Czechoslovak exile government´s dependance on Soviet union during second WW result of uncooperative governments of UK and France and how did this union (with Soviets) affect Duklian offensive?

I know it is wide. But I have my sources mainly on Duklian offensive, probably two on Benes (´president´in exile of CSR)

Any helpful comments appreciated

(sorry for any errors in text- was written in haste)

Edited by Stvora
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iAs far as I can see (an others may disagree with me), your RQ isn't that broad. It might be slightly difficult to fit into the word limit though with that extra section added onto the question (how did this union (with Soviets) affect Duklian offensive). It's focused, but there are too many parts, which makes it too broad to fit within the word limit. It seems like a very good question though!

Here's my advice: cut out one of the parts of the question. Since you mostly have sources on the Duklian offensive, I would cut it down to: In what ways did the union of the Czechoslovak government and the Soviets affect the Duklian offensive?

The first part of the question (To what extent was Czechoslovak exile government´s dependance on Soviet union during second WW result of uncooperative governments of UK and France?) is a tiny bit broad since there is so much information on this, but it seems like a very good EE topic. I think you're better off with just the second half of the question.

Best of luck!

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Hey there!

That sounds like a really tough situation... I'm not sure if teachers are allowed by the IBO to not offer to generally review a draft before the final draft, to be honest. However, nothing can be done about that now, it seems (except complaining to your IB coordinator, but I assume not much can be done for you anyhow).

As for the topic, I am afraid I have to say I find it too wide, and you should definitely try to narrow it down. I have not heard much about thee situation you're discussing in your IA, but you are essentially covering two different RQs at the moment - one dealing about the causes of the Czechoslovak dependence on the USSR, and another about how this affected the Duklian Offensive. In order to do well, I would perhaps choose to focus on one of them, rather than attempting to cover them both. A requirement of the IA is that it should be as narrow as possible, and keep in mind that you'll optimally only have about 6-800 words to analyse the topic itself (most of the other words are consumed by section B (summary of evidence) and C (analysis of main sources)). Since your sources are mainly about the Duklian Offensive, I would suggest you focus on this offensive only. Rephrase your question so that the sources you have are as relevant as possible without compromising the narrowness of the task.

Other than that, I don't have any significant comments. Your topic seems like a very fine topic for the IA, as soon as you narrow it down further. You will have to prepare for a long night, though, it seems.

Even though you find yourself pressed for time, do find the time to read the criteria in the History subject guide. The criteria will help you a lot, as they outline exactly what the examiners are looking for. If you are not in possession of it, a search for 'History subject guide' through Google should leave you with some alternatives. Just make sure you find the guide with first examinations in 2010! Also read the pinned threads in this sub-forum, as they are very helpful! They helped me a ton, at least, and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't help you (unless you're already a master of the IA, that is :P).

Good luck!

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