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Tony Petrovik

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I'm currently making mindmaps for my history, then my book says in the Greco-Bulgarian war of 1925 it says the Bulgarian paid the Greeks compensation for the act of aggression (it could be argued that they started aggression by shooting the Greek soldier). But on the website i was looking at it says that the Greeks paid compensation for the aggression (it could also be argued that they did aggression by invading other country). I then checked on Wikipedia and on numerous sites on Google and most say that Greece paid compensation (which makes more sense to me, because i think Bulgaria was the victim in this conflict).

But i would like to know if anyone knows without looking on internet or books e.g. that your teacher told you, because i'm not sure of the correct answer.



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Greece had to pay compensate Bulgaria! However, I don't think Bulgaria was the victim at all because it was because of conflict started by the Bulgarians at the border that Greece became aggressive. I believe it was altogether an unfair treatment of Greece on the part of the League of Nations especially since there had been no action taken against Italy in a similar situation.

Hope this helps :)

Good Luck!

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I do agree with the unfair treatment because of Italy, but it's because they were a major League player (unfortunatly the big players often get away with more than the smaller ones) But i think Greece invading Bulgaria because 1 man was shot for running over the border (whether running after a stray dog or not) i think full invasion is overkill especially when the man ran over the border (which he shouldn't have done anyway)

Thanks for the help. Just wondering i found places saying Bulgaria owed Greece and other places said that Greece owed Bulgaria.

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