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Chem SL vs HL vs ESS?

Nick Western

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well i can only speak from experience about ess... the class is different from the other sciences, especially chemistry as there is a lot of writing (paper 2) and no multiple choice on the paper 1. It is considered the "easy" science and I would agree after hearing from my friends who always have either a biology test or a chem lab due. Most of the people who take sciences and double sciences say that Chem is harder than bio or physics. If you don't need an HL then don't take it HL!!! Either take chem or ess i suppose, whichever subject interests you the most.

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I think that ESS is 'unconventional' and probably not as well regarded as a typical science, so I would recommend doing Chemistry. As you don't need it as HL, save yourself the pain and do SL. So, if I were you, I would definitely choose Chemistry SL. I can't speak for the workload of either Chemistry or ESS though, as I take neither.

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I'd suggest to not take HL Chem, seeing as you have one year for all the work and it's quite a lot.

As for SL Chem, in comparison to HL the workload isn't that big. If you're slightly mathematically-inclined and don't mind doing some equations for SL Chem, then you should be able to handle SL Chem workload. (There can be some confusing concepts, e.g. Acids and Bases/Topic 9, but if you're up for it it shouldn't be a problem.) Only thing is the IAs, which take up a lot of time to do correctly in my experience and you need to fulfil lab hours.

And I can't speak for ESS, I'm afraid.

I suggest you take the subject that you don't mind putting work in and that you'd enjoy - look at textbooks of each subject and see which you are intrigued about the most. :)

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I don't think you need a science really for Business, ESS should be fine. From what I hear, Chemistry is the hardest science, especially at HL it is a nightmare. On the other hand, ESS is probably the easiest (though I have heard that Standard Biology is easier than ESS, huge step up to higher biology).

I would suggest ESS as you don't really need a science. However, as already said, if you'd prefer chemicals and maths equations to learning biology/geography style stuff such as pollution, ecosystems and human population stuff, take SL Chemistry. Definitely dont take HL. You have one year and 3 HLs already and don't even need a science, so it would be a stupid masochistic choice :P

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(though I have heard that Standard Biology is easier than ESS, huge step up to higher biology).

Just to reiterate this point; I honestly think this is true. (Or certainly is a strong rumour at my school.)

If SL Chem or ESS really don't appeal to you and you want a relatively easy science, go with SL Biology.

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Trust me if you do biology then ESS Sl wouldnt be a problem, i like the subject and it is really fun to do it. However chemistry sl and hl are much harder. Compared to ESS, chem sl is much harder. ESS is similar to sl biology but sl biology is harder. ESS requires more knowledge based and longer responses rather than the right or wrong answer in biology. You require to be able to critique and give examples of way to solve the problem in ESS. I would suggest SL ESS OR BIology, because chemistry sl and hl are both extremely harder and require more work

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From what I've seen, Chem HL is quite a difficult subject. Not necercarily easier or harder than physics, although easier then bio. Chem SL is meant to be even easier then thet.

ESS is meant to be the easiest science, as it is both a science and a social science. Essentially it is a science for people who don't want to do a science. However it is still an interesting looking course.

If you say chem intregues you then go for that, as it is an interesting subject.

In terms of workload, I have found it to be the highest work load of any of the sciences, but well worth it.

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