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Historical Investigation help ASAP!


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Hey guys, I began my Historical investigation and my research question which I set is 'To what extent was resistance helpful to regain freedom from Nazi Germany?' My question is that is my HI Question appropriate? My history teacher said that this topic can be dangerous.... Can someone tell me please? Also, for the HI I'm using movie valkyrie, and sophie scholl's the final day... these sources are good right?

my teacher said the answer is immeasurable, so can someone twist the question for me??

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Hey there!

I think your question is way too broad.

First off, what resistance? The Norwegian resistance in Narvik? Operation Wienic, launched by French resistance groups? Be more specific regarding who, what and where.

Secondly, what is freedom? A very TOK-ish question, but it's important nonetheless. How do you define freedom will define how you approach this task, and you might come to different answers depending on your definition.

Thirdly, during what time span? Operation Wienic took place in October 1942, would you then look at the successfulness during the operation? After? If after, how long after? Would you discuss the consequences of that operation in 1967?

Finally, you should only look at one aspect of freedom. Economic freedom? Political freedom? Social freedom?

As for your sources, do you think that a historian would use a fictional film as a historical source? I reckon they would not. You should use a mix of first-hand sources (that being telegrams, diary entries, etc.) and second-hand sources (books, papers, etc. written by historians or a writer). You should shy away from fictional works,unless you analyse the use of propaganda or art somewhere in a historical context. In other words, no, I don't think your sources are good for a HI.

Also remember that in a HI, you only have about 6-800 words to really analyse the topic, and those words go by faster than you think.

Good luck!

Edited by alefal
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Couldn't agree more, it needs to be really specific and narrowly focused that you can treat it in a concise manner. Plus, bearing in mind you need a lot of detailed factual information in Section B as well as a very concise essay for Section D, you can't afford to be trying to write in depth about everything, and don't take that as a cue to talk briefly about a lot of things as that is even worse! For top section b marks you need to have well researched, well organised factual information that is ALL relevant, and it has to be in depth too as otherwise there would not be enough relevant information.

Though you can't ask the people here to make your title for you, we can give you suggestions and advice, but what would help us help you is more specific information, as alefal stated. Pick a specific form of resistance. Freedom for who?? What you need is it to be very specific so you can safely answer the question. For example, 'how successful was (specific resistance group) in resisting Nazi rule?'

However, I think the slight dead end to the topic might be that it took the war to remove the nazis so I don't see how you can indicate any success... plus, if you do a to what extent question like that, you probably don't realise it means you will need to consider other factors such as Nazi weaknesses, the war, hitler etc, anything else that compromised the nazi regime. Obviously, that makes it far too broad to gather information and analyse to conclude.

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I believe that you question could become more focused if you were to replace the words, Nazi, helpful and freedom with more concise terminology. Or perhaps think of your question in a more cause/effect manner. ie.. To what extent was the ______´s resistence movement a major cause for the defeat of the German occupation authorities or the German Military or the Nazis Gestapo, S.S. or the collaborators. You could also focus on the extent a resistence movement assisted the allies. You need to choose a country and a resistence movment. I agree that this is probably a very difficult topic. Finding reliable primary sources could be very challehging.

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