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IA Question specific enough?


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My research question I have come up with is : To what extent did the violation of human rights during the Dirty War of 1976-1983 lead to the creation of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo?

some background is that The mothers of the plaza de mayo was created due to the fact that the Argentine government had kidnapped their children and presumably killed them because they opposed the dictatorship during the time and tortured and killed them which led to the mothers of these children protesting everyday for the truth about what really happened to their children.

That said, I'm just wondering if my question will nicely wrap up everything I have to say on the topic, if it's too wordy or if it can be reworded? any ideas are helpful!

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Hey there!

I don't think it's too wordy. However, I would look closer at the phrase 'the violation of human rights.' Was there only one breach of human rights during the Dirty War? Normally, wars are full of them. Therefore, you might benefit by rewording it slightly. For instance: 'To what extent did the kidnapping and mistreatment of children during the Dirty War ...?' This is, from what I can gather, what you want to write about, and thus more precise.

Another issue: How are you going to analyse this topic? From what you write, it seems like there are no contradicting opinions that the kidnapping of children led to the the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo. Therefore, it does not seem like a viable topic to analyse for an IA. Were there other factors also contributing to the creation of the mothers of... ? If so, a better approach could be 'How important is [factor] in explaining the creation of the Mothers ...?'

Good luck with your IA!

Edited by alefal
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