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Historical investigation HELP!

Guest Konnie Melgoza

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This should be moved to the history section and not general chat.

Section B : Summary of Evidence (500-600 words)

In this section, you state all your facts. Write about everything you researched. You basically present all the information that is coherent to your question. Note: This does not include your analysis. It is just an organized summary of the facts you found from the sources you used.

Section C: Evaluation of Sources (240-400 words)

This section is basically OPVL (Origin, Purpose, Value and Limitations). You just evaluate 2 major/important sources you used for this investigation.

I think you should do more research before asking questions like these. It can help you if you read the IB History Syllabus: http://vefir.mh.is/thgth/ib/his403/iaguide.pdf

Another good thread :

Good luck!


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