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Hey there, fellow Norwegian.

You should be more detailed about what exactly you need help with. Do you want us to do the research for you? If so, that's not what this society is all about, although I'm sure someone here would be willing to do that. Do you have any history books or any hand-outs that you use in class? They will most likely include some information about this, if you have went through this in class. Furthermore, if your school has a library, they probably have some books about WW1.

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That is a bit of a broad question, but I suppose you would be looking at how Germany used its home front during WWI. I don't actually know that much about it off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more than enough available online. I would be tempted to look at naval blockades and how that impacted Britain/Germany in different ways throughout the war. Germany's civilian population was in fairly dire straits by the end of WWI, a "war of attrition", so that's definitely an indicator that Germany didn't organise its resources optimally.

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Can someone please help me:

World War 1: Total war and how Germany organized its resources compared to the Allies.

Way to broad of a topic. The History IA is meant to analyze a topic in an objective manner. You could start off your question with key words such as "To what extent.." or " How did..." "In what way..."

You should also indicate a specific time period that your essay will be discussing. Give a timeline and date period.

Because the WW1 has been overdone many times, you would need to make your IA more concise and unique touching on a specif aspect of the Total war and Germany's military organization. Just by reading your title, I can guess that this paper would be a comparative analysis, where you would compare Germany's use of resources to the Allies organization of resources. But what kind of resources? Military :arms, techniques... or Economical? Keep in mind this essay is only 2000 words. You can't be so general.

Hope that helps :)

Best of Luck in your work!

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We are told to find a topic with two opposing sides, then discuss both sides and pick one that you support. Optimally you will find one or two SOLID sources for each side, so that the essay won't be too long (2000 words really isn't that much). You could argue for the effectiveness of one country's organization over another. Perhaps you could pick one specific battle in World War I and examine the effects of organization of troops or whatever resources you were referring to?

Best of luck!

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