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Zoology or environmental science?


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I am asking you to say your opinion, which profession/ course might be more successful in various aspects (career prospects, salary, etc). :)

Right now I am deciding which one of them to choose. I love animals, but I am frightened by the fact that I may end up working in some zoo or sitting in a laboratory, which I don't really enjoy :D Environmental science seems appealing because I would fancy creating safety projects of dealing with environmental law to protect some kind of living things :) Also, environmental science seems to involve more physics, maths and such stuff which I do not like, while zoology is almost purely biological course :)

Please, help me decide and lots of thank you for your answers!

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I am asking you to say your opinion, which profession/ course might be more successful in various aspects (career prospects, salary, etc). :)

Right now I am deciding which one of them to choose. I love animals, but I am frightened by the fact that I may end up working in some zoo or sitting in a laboratory, which I don't really enjoy :D Environmental science seems appealing because I would fancy creating safety projects of dealing with environmental law to protect some kind of living things :) Also, environmental science seems to involve more physics, maths and such stuff which I do not like, while zoology is almost purely biological course :)

Please, help me decide and lots of thank you for your answers!

I'm in exactly the same position right now (literally identical courses at one university, so it's a straight choice between the two) and I'm veering towards environmental science. It's a very personal thing; I love animals, but also the rest of nature [past and present], so I'm currently going with the idea that environmental sciences will give me a broader base upon which to specialise later on. Saying that, I'm planning on doing postgraduate stuff too, and if I were only thinking currently about doing one degree then I'd be tempted by zoology. Both are very popular degrees with relatively few specific employment prospects (I've met or heard about many careers advisers with degrees in marine biology :P ) so if you're worried about employment prospects then you're probably better off looking at something like geology.

It does sound like environmental science would make sense for you; zoology isn't as holistic (which if you're looking at entire ecosystems would probably be a good idea) but at the same time, if you don't like maths and physics I wouldn't recommend a degree which contains much of that. Ecology sounds like a really good option: still very biological, but more holistically that pure zoology. It does still face the same employment 'issues' as environmental sciences and zoology though (I personally think that if you want to pursue a biological career then you should do it for the love, not the money)

It's your decision, and it sounds like you should look further into the options available, but from what I've read about what you like and dislike and what you want to do, I'd veer towards ecology :)

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Thank you, Joe Boyle :) I'll try to overlook all the options once more time and this time to include ecology. I even started thinking about studying pure biology, because after having biological degree you can work almost everything, including jobs with animals :) Or I will go with conservation biology. I am sure that studying zoology would be much more exciting and interesting for me, but the thing that tops me from taking this course is that I do not know what career would i get, not talking about the money :) I do not want to end up in some laboratory writing about some bugs, yew. :D I also am happy that there are people like me that are confused between these two courses :) Good luck with your studies! :)

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