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Pre-IB fears vs. Actual reality


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Hey so this topic is more for those people who want to take IB but are intimidated by what other people tell them about the courses that they're taking or whatever. I remember when I started IB people always said OMG you are taking math Higher and chemistry Higher those subjects are insane they will kill you blah blah blah. When I started with the courses though, yes Math HL was hard but like anything that is hard you have to put in some effort into it. I did have to put a bit more of an effort in math but seriously it wasn't like a herculean task or anything that its impossible to do well in. As far as chem HL goes, so many people fear it and say its hard. In reality though chem HL was by far my easiest HL and it was even easier than my language A1 SL. A lot of people fear the maths in chemistry and think oh I suck at math and I won't be able to do this. Well the math in chemistry HL is far far from complex and even if you're not great at math you will be able to do it. My friend took Physics chem and Math higher and everyone told him he was gonna suffer, well he ended up with triple 6's in his higher levels which is pretty good. I got a 6 in chemistry which I was a bit disappointed with and felt as though it should have been an easy 7 but I put that down to spending too much time on math and not finding enough time for my other HL's. So guys/girls if you're taking these subjects that everyone says omg they're hard, they're terrible and they say you're gonna suffer just remember that you do not know how much ability you have. At times I felt as though I had so much work and I didn't know how I was gonna do it, but you know the adrenaline really gets you going, you will surprise yourself. If you put the effort in nothing is hard. Personally I found A1 languages hard because its sort of something you can work hard in but a lot of it comes down to natural ability and English was never my forte. However, if you like English and think you're good at it I shouldn't stop you from taking it at HL because you know if you find something interesting you will probably find it easier than a subject you do not find interesting but took it because everyone else said it is easy.

So overall just go with whatever you find interesting, don't worry about what the majority say because everyone is different. I've also seen some threads here about people asking if the subjects they're taking are difficult so I would just like to remind them that you will probably find your subjects to be easier if they interest you rather than going with what most people say. Okay I hope I helped you guys and hope my advice is useful.

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