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Historical Investigation Topic


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Alright guys, I am in need of your help. My Historical Investigation topic is due tomorrow and I have a few ideas for what I want to do. My problems are that either I can not think of how to word the question properly, or I can't figure out what part of my topic I want to investigate. If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated (: THANKS

Questions I have:

1) To what extent did Julius Caesar's assassination lead to the establishment of the Roman Empire in 44 B.C?

2) To what extent do the Casket Letters written by Queen Mary Stuart prove to be true?

3) To what extent did Tituba's confession to be a witch start the mass hunt for the witches in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692?

If anyone could help and tell me if my questions are good or if I need to re-word them, it would be greatly appreciated! (:

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If you think it's boring, you might not want to do that topic then. Nothing's worse than going out and having to do all this research and put lots of time and effort into something you don't really care about. Picking something you like will definitely show in your writing. Trying to sound passionate about something you're not interested in makes for a boring HI.

Perhaps change it a bit to make it a little more exciting for you?

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I'm limiting myself because I have a hard time finding topics so I decided to choose three and then decide from those three what I wanted to do. Other things I am interested in are topics such as the Cold War, Marie Antoinette, and the French Revolution. My problem is that I have NO idea what to do with those topics. Anything I have come up with sounds completely boring and I want a topic that sounds exciting but has plenty of true information to go with it.

Oh and to "Award Winning Boss" and your first comment, how I formatted my post is none of your concern. How I decided to do the colors and font is my decision, not yours. You being a prick is not appreciated.

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I'm limiting myself because I have a hard time finding topics so I decided to choose three and then decide from those three what I wanted to do. Other things I am interested in are topics such as the Cold War, Marie Antoinette, and the French Revolution. My problem is that I have NO idea what to do with those topics. Anything I have come up with sounds completely boring and I want a topic that sounds exciting but has plenty of true information to go with it.

Look into less-cliche, little-known topics relating to these areas. Then it won't be as boring because you're not doing something everyone else is.

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Oh noes :o my life is over!

Chill out lol I was reading it and saw colours, it resembled a rainbow (I don't know how but in my brain it did) it seemed unnecessarily random so I thought I'd say so. If you are annoyed at my response please write an ensemble expressing your anger and send it to me via pigeon.

Your colour choice seemed more exciting than your questions... :teehee:

But in response to the content of the thread, research into an area of history and see whether you can find something that'd interest you. A boring IA might result in you crying thus receiving a bad mark. We wouldn't want that at all :)

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Oh don't worry, you SHALL receive that pigeon with that angry letter soon. :read: Haha. And I do agree, the colors are way more interesting than my questions. I have thought of another topic I may explore. I'm not quite sure how to word it but generally it is "How are Salem Witch Trials akin to modern day court proceedings for Muslim women?" DON'T WORRY! It will be re-worded. I am not quite sure if I will do it though because when our papers get sent off to Europe (that's where ours are going this year) I'm afraid that someone of Muslim faith will read it and may get offended. Though I find it to be a good topic, I think it may be inappropriate to write about. Oh well. :P

And to emyski- Like I said earlier, I have a very hard time finding topics. But I think I will research more into those subjects to find a topic. My fear for that is that I'm going to spend so much time researching those subjects hoping to find an amazing yet equally brilliant topic and I won't find one. And since I will spend so much time on those subjects, I will run out of time to write an excellent essay and my Historical Investigation will be a flop.

If you have not noticed, I am a VERY cautious writer. I like to have a prompt to respond to, not an open ended paper. But, unfortunately, that's not the case.

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I don't think that question is going to work. One, it's very broad and you have only 2000 words to write for your HI, with only about 1200-1400 of those actually discussing your topic (the rest being other things like source evaluations and a plan of investigation). Two, it's not very "historical" in the sense that IB wants. You can do a lot of things for your HI, but this doesn't seem like one of them. Three, would you even be able to find evidence for this? There is a whole section called the "Summary of Evidence" where you present your facts, statistics, etc. about your topic. I think you need to forget about this topic.

You seem to really be interested in the Salem Witch Trials, so I suggest you look furhter into those. Perhaps causes of them, someone's role in them, how they affected something (be specific here and limit it to like one event), etc.?

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